Cloud Computing | Data & Statistics

Data & Statistics

One obligation of Business Analytics and Reporting is to report student enrollment numbers and student college progress to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).

The data and statistics pages are an effort to address the accountability and transparency of the college.

Quick-glance reports

Annual reports

Annual reports cover either academic or fiscal year.


A fiscal year begins with the fall semester of the prior year and includes the spring and summer semesters of the current year. Example: FY2020 would contain  19/FA, 20/SP, 20/SU.

An academic year begins with the current fall semester and includes the spring and summer of the next year. Example: AY2020 would contain 19/FA, 20/SP, 20/SU.

Degrees and Awards by Fiscal Year

Class Data
TSTC Semester Credit Class Data by Term

Compiled from the certified CBM004, Class Report, for each term listed. The reports include enrollment and contact hour production for all classes in the reporting period. This includes flex-entry classes from the previous term.

Source file: X.CBM004.

TSTC Fall Term Reports

TSTC Spring Term Reports

TSTC Summer Term Reports

TSTC Workforce & Continuing Education Class by Quarter

Compiled from the certified CBM00C, Continuing Education Class Report, for each quarter listed. The reports include enrollment and contact hour production for all classes in the reporting period.

Source file: X.CBM00C.

TSTC 1st Quarter Reports:

TSTC 2nd Quarter Reports:

TSTC 3rd Quarter Reports:

TSTC 4th Quarter Reports:

Student Data
TSTC Semester Credit Student Demographics by Term

Compiled from the certified CBM001, Student Report. The History reports compare student demographics across multiple terms. The reports include flex-entry students for each term resulting in some duplication of enrollment totals.

Source file: X.CBM001.

Total SCH Headcount includes Flex Entry.

TSTC Workforce & Continuing Education Demographics

Compiled from the certified CBM00A, Students in Continuing Education Courses Report, for each term listed. The History reports provide a comparison of student demographics for multiple terms.

Source file: X.CBM00A.

TSTC 1st Quarter Reports

TSTC 2nd Quarter Reports

TSTC 3rd Quarter Reports

TSTC 4th Quarter Reports

Definition of terms used in reports

The following terms are used throughout reports contained in the Data and Statistics pages. For more specific information on any of these terms, please contact Rachelle Barron.

Texas State Technical College in Abilene
Academic Semester Credit/Contact Hours
Semester credit and/or contact hours generated by courses considered Academic as defined in the Academic Course Guide Manual maintained by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
ALL Texas State Technical College System components
Average Class Enrollment
The total number of enrollments divided by the total number of section records.
Texas State Technical College in Breckenridge
Texas State Technical College in Brownwood
Student Report. This report is submitted to the THECB and includes all students enrolled in semester credit hour courses as of the official census date of the term. The report also includes flex-entry students who are registered in courses that began after the official census date of the immediately preceding term. Students who withdrew from all classes prior to or on the official census date are not included on the CBM001.
Class Report. This report is submitted to the THECB and includes all semester credit hour class sections taught during the reporting period. The report includes enrollments as of the official reporting date for each class section. Classes organized after the official census date of the immediately preceding term are included in the report as flex-entry sections.
Students in Continuing Education Courses Report. This report is submitted quarterly to the THECB and includes all students enrolled in CEU courses as of the official census date of the quarter. Students who withdrew from all classes prior to or on the official census date of the CE class are not included on the CBM00A.
Continuing Education Class Report. This report is submitted quarterly to the THECB and includes all CEU class sections taught during the quarter.
Continuing Education Unit. May also be referred to as Training Credit, Workforce Training Credit, or CE credit.
CIP Instructional Area
The general area of instructional categories based on the two-digit federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding system.
Class Data
These reports provide class information relating to semester credit and contact hour generations for a specific term, quarter, or fiscal year.
Contact Hour
A unit of measure that represents an hour of scheduled instruction given to students. In general, at TSTC, one contact hour is equivalent to 50 minutes of instruction per week for a 16-week term.
Degrees and Awards
Degrees and awards are reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board on the Graduation Report (CBM009) and the Marketable Skills Achievement Report (CBM00M). These reports are submitted annually for each fiscal year. Degrees and awards at TSTC are:
Associate of Applied Science Degree
Associate of Science Degree
Advanced Technical Certificate. Advanced Technology certificate programs are comprised of 16-45 semester credit hours. A student must have an associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or junior status in a baccalaureate degree program.
Certificate of Completion. Certificate programs comprised of at least 15 SCH and no more than 42 SCH (or 23-63 quarter hours or 360-779 contact hours).
Level II certificate: awarded for completing a program of at least 30 but not more than 51 SCH (or 64-89 quarter hours).
Shorter certificates, including Enhanced Skills and Occupational Skills Certificates: generally 9-15 hours.
Core Curriculum Completer Certificate. Certificate awarded upon satisfactory completion of all required elements and courses in TSTC's approved core curriculum (42 SCH).
A Field of Study (FOS) is a selection of lower-division courses that are guaranteed by state law to transfer and apply to a degree program. If a student takes all the courses in an FOS and then transfers to another Texas public institution of higher education, the FOS is guaranteed to transfer as a block and be applied to the appropriate major. If a student has completed the FOS, the Texas common core curriculum, and any university or college courses required of all students regardless of major, then the student is finished with all the lower-division courses for the degree program at any Texas public institution. If a student transfer with an incomplete FOS, then each completed FOS course is guaranteed to transfer and apply to the degree program, although the institution many require additional lower-division courses.
Occupational Skills Award. An Occupational Skills Award3 (OSA) is a sequence of courses that meet the minimum standard for program length specified by the Texas Workforce Commission for the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program (9-14 SCH for credit courses or 144-359 contact hours for workforce continuing education courses).
Demographic History
These reports provide a five-year comparison of selected student demographic information for a specific term or quarter.
Exceeds 27 Dev Ed Hrs
Semester credit and/or contact hours generated by students enrolled in developmental education courses who have previously been reported for 27 semester credit hours of developmental education are not eligible for state appropriations.
Exceeds Repeats
Semester credit and/or contact hours generated by students previously reported at least twice in non-developmental education courses and are enrolled for the third or subsequent time are not eligible for state appropriations.
Refers to students and class sections for which the official enrollment occurs after the official census date of a term. These enrollments are reported in the next immediate term and are denoted as Flex-Entry.
Full-Time Equivalent
A number that reflects headcount enrollment if all students are full-time. At TSTC, full-time equivalent (FTE) is obtained by the following method:
• Total the number of students with a full load (12 or more semester credit hours).
• Total the number of semester credit hours generated by students enrolled less than full-time (11 or fewer semester credit hours).
• Divide the number obtained in Step B by 12.
• Add the number obtained in Step C to the number obtained in Step A. The resulting total is the full-time equivalent headcount enrollment.
Funded Semester Credit/Contact Hours
The semester credit and/or contact hours eligible for state appropriations.
The number of students enrolled as of the official reporting date.
Texas State Technical College in Harlingen
Instructional Mode
The method by which the instruction is delivered (e.g. face-to-face, internet/online, other electronic media)
Instructional Program Area
The general area of instructional categories based on the six-digit federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding system. In some instances, more than one six-digit category are combined when the instructional programs are similar or related.
Describes a semester credit student's status in relation to the number of courses carried during a semester.
• 12 or more semester credit hours are considered full-time
• 7-11 semester credit hours are considered less than full-time, more than half-time
• 6 semester credit hours are considered half-time • Less than 6 semester hours are considered less than half-time.
All load information in the Student Demographic reports is based on the number of semester credit hours students carry as of the official census date. Load is not calculated for students reported on the CBM00A report (CEU students).
Texas State Technical College in Marshall
Progress Measures
Awards reported to the THECB representing a curricular milestone that may or may not lead to a degree or certificate.
New From High School
First-time students to TSTC whose last enrollment was in a high school.
New From Other College
First-time students to TSTC whose last enrollment was in another institution of higher education.
Reporting Period
The period of time in which student and class data are collected for reporting to the THECB. The official reporting period is from the day after the official census date of a term through the official census date of the next term. Example: The reporting period for Fall begins the day after the official census date of the Summer term and ends on the official census date of the Fall term.
Semester Credit Hour.
Student Demographics
These reports provide selected student demographic information for a specific term, quarter, or fiscal year.
Texas State Technical College in Sweetwater
Technical Semester Credit/Contact Hours
Semester credit and/or contact hours generated in technical courses as defined in the Workforce Education Course Manual maintained by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Texas Funding Code
A set of codes assigned by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that delineate courses and programs for state appropriations.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Unfunded Semester Credit/Contact Hours
The semester credit and/or contact hours ineligible for state appropriations.
Texas State Technical College in Waco
The local database file of the CBM001 Report that is used for local reporting purposes.
The local database file of the CBM004 Report that is used for local reporting purposes.
The local database file of the CBM009 Report that is the source file for local reporting.
The local database file of the CBM00A Report that is used for local reporting purposes.
The local database file of the CBM00C Report that is used for local reporting purposes.
The local database file of the CBM00M Report that is the source file for local reporting.
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