EsperanzaVelazquezStudentProfile 72pdi 1 - Student Success Profile - Esperanza Velazquez

Esperanza Velazquez is an Architectural Design and Engineering Graphics student at Texas State Technical College.

The San Benito native boasts a 3.75 grade-point average and expects to graduate with an associate degree in Spring 2020.

The 21-year-old is also active on campus as a work-study employee for Student Life and Engagement and the Student Government Association representative for her program.

What are your plans after graduation?

After I graduate I plan on returning to TSTC to pursue a second associate degree in Engineering, and then transferring to a four-year university to obtain a bachelor’s degree in both engineering and communications.

What’s your dream job?

My dream job is to become an engineer and help cities and towns with underdeveloped housing improve this issue so families have a nice place to call home.  

What has been your greatest accomplishment while at TSTC?

My greatest accomplishment while at TSTC has been receiving my work-study position with Student Life. This job has taught me so much about leadership and communication, and has given me other opportunities as a student I may not have otherwise received.

What greatest lesson have you learned about yourself or life?

The greatest lessons I have learned is to listen to all sides of a discussion or debate and always think before speaking.

Who at TSTC has had the most influence on your success?

The person at TSTC who has influenced my success the most is Student Life and Engagement Coordinator and my supervisor Belinda Palomino. She has shown me how to never give up and to always believe in myself and my dreams. She is proof that as long as you work hard, success is possible.

What is your advice for future TSTC students?

My advice for future TSTC students is to really invest in improving time management skills, this is crucial to surviving college courses and juggling the workload.

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