(MARSHALL, Texas) –  Texas State Technical College in Marshall won six gold medals, five silver medals and one bronze medal at the SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary State Leadership and Skills Conference recently held in Waco.

The gold medalists are eligible to compete at this year’s SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in June in Louisville, Kentucky.

“We are incredibly proud of both our Marshall competitors and our TSTC teammates who gave so much of themselves to lead this group to Waco,” said Barton Day, provost of TSTC in Marshall.

Micki Chaney of Mount Enterprise participated for the first time in SkillsUSA and won a gold medal in the Customer Service contest.

“I was surprised I won,” she said. “It made me feel really good about the path I am on. I hope to gain new experiences and meet new people in Louisville, and of course bring home a medal for TSTC.”

Other TSTC in Marshall’s gold medalists are:

CNC Turning: Trevor Dammeir

Cyber Security: Kyle Hancock and Andrew York

Industrial Motor Control: Jason Aydelotte

Technical Computer Applications: Mikayla Walden

Eighteen two-year institutions took part in this year’s state conference.

For more information on SkillsUSA, go to skillsusa.org.

For more information on Texas State Technical College, go to tstc.edu.


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