Jesus Ramirez stands next to some recruiting material.

(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Recruitment representatives are, for many people, the first face people see in connection with Texas State Technical College. Leaving a good first impression can go a long way toward helping prospective students head to their dream career.

For Jesus Ramirez, it is a scary but exciting thought.

Ramirez began working as a student recruitment representative for TSTC at the Fort Bend County campus last November. Prior to joining, he worked in the sales industry for many years.

“I found this job through Lou Mancinas (a senior field development officer for The TSTC Foundation),” Ramirez said. “He referred me to this position, saying I would be great. I thought about it and wondered if I really wanted to do it. But in checking it out, I could see myself helping young adults start their careers. I like the feeling of knowing that I showed the students around and helped them get started.”

Ramirez graduated from San Jacinto College with an associate degree in automotive technology. With such a similar background to those looking into TSTC, he feels a connection to those who are still looking for what they want to do.

“I really like when students come by for a tour, they see the program they are interested in and their eyes open wide,” he said. “I try to make the tours as personal as possible.”

One of the main jobs of those in the recruitment department is networking with the local high schools and community. Ramirez and his co-workers spend a lot of time traveling to various schools and organizations, giving presentations and encouraging young people to check out the college.

“What we do is a lot of networking,” Ramirez said. “Going to schools, meeting with counselors, having our open house events, stuff like that. Once people find out about TSTC and what we have to offer, they are like, ‘Wow. I can’t believe I’ve never heard about this.’”

He also works closely with TSTC instructors to give visitors as much information as possible. While he has general knowledge of each of the 10 programs at the campus, the instructors are able to delve deeper into the specifics of their respective programs.

“I think we have by far the best instructors because they do take time and care for their students,” Ramirez said.

For those wondering if a technical college is right for them, or those unsure what the future holds, he encourages everyone to come by and see for themselves.

“I’d have them ask as many questions as they have,” he said. “Just blurt it out. There are no bad questions.”

Registration is underway for the summer and fall semesters. For more information, go to

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