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Drug-Free School

TSTC cares about you. Besides causing you to be dismissed from TSTC, drug and alcohol use can impact your life, the lives of your family and friends, and your career.

Drug and Alcohol Policy Statement

We are a drug- and alcohol-free organization. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, purchase, dispensation, possession or use of an illegal drug or alcohol by students and employees on college property, or as a part of any college-sponsored activity, is prohibited. Students who violate any provision of our policies will be subject to disciplinary sanctions ranging from suspension to referral for prosecution. Employees who violate any provisions may be subject to disciplinary action up to termination.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Drug and alcohol use are dangerous. In the short term, they impair your abilities. Long-term abuse can cause health problems and even lead to death. Worse, you can’t be sure what’s in drugs you buy on the street; they could contain ingredients or quantities that might kill you.

Becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol:

  • Changes your psychological functioning: you become focused on getting more
  • Leads to bad decision-making
  • Damages your family and personal relationships
  • Harms your job performance
  • Damages your health


The Discipline Officer has the authority to sanction as seen fit for any violation of the Student Code of Conduct involving drugs and/or alcohol.

Sanctions for alcohol use

  • Probation
  • Online alcohol education course
  • Community service
  • Workshops
  • Removal from campus living facilities
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

Sanctions for drug use

  • Probation
  • Online drug education course
  • Community service
  • Removal from campus living facilities
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
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