TSTC Electrical Lineworker Technology student DaVyion Ellis demonstrates his climbing skills in the pole yard at TSTC’s Fort Bend County campus.

(ROSENBERG, Texas) – DaVyion Ellis already has a degree in electrical engineering. However, the New Caney resident is currently working to earn a certificate of completion in Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Lineworker Technology program.

“I didn’t want to sit behind a desk, so I was looking for some more physical work — and possibly travel,” Ellis said.

TSTC’s campus in Fort Bend County made sense to Ellis both financially and professionally.

How has your experience been in TSTC’s Electrical Lineworker Technology program?

The communication is great. The curriculum is pretty easy to understand if you pay attention to your notes, and the online classes are just as good as being in person.

What are some of your favorite memories from your training?

Probably the first day of climbing for us. The instructors taught  us what to do and how to properly climb without falling. Pole-top rescues were pretty fun for us too.

What are your goals after you earn your certificate of completion?

I hope to get into a union job, but I’m open to working anywhere to get to the point of being a journeyman lineman.

Would you recommend TSTC’s Electrical Lineworker Technology program to prospective students?

Yes — for anybody searching for a better career outside the norm.

What keeps you motivated?

For me, living two hours away gives me a purpose of doing this for a better career and better income. I’m spending my time learning something new.


In Texas, lineworkers can earn an average annual salary of $63,770, according to onetonline.org, which forecasts the positions to grow in the state by 16% through 2028. At 14,090, Texas employs the highest number of lineworkers out of the nation, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, adding that the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land metropolitan area has the highest employment level of lineworkers.

TSTC offers Electrical Lineworker Technology training at its Fort Bend County, Harlingen, Marshall and Waco campuses. The program is part of TSTC’s Money-Back Guarantee, which refunds participating graduates their tuition if they are not hired in their field within six months of earning their degrees.

Registration for TSTC’s fall semester is now underway. Learn more at tstc.edu.

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