Abilene Career Services

(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College students will meet potential employers virtually on Thursday, Oct. 29.

Due to COVID-19 recommendations covering social distancing, TSTC will host its annual Industry Job Fair virtually this year. More than 100 businesses will have representatives available to meet with TSTC students statewide.

Six West Texas companies are among those scheduled to have representatives available. They are Bruner Motors in Stephenville, Cogdell Memorial Hospital in Snyder, Eastland Memorial Hospital, Hendrick Health System in Abilene, Ludlum Measurements in Sweetwater and Mesa Springs Mental Health in Abilene.

Students will have access to a variety of companies, including health care, construction, engineering firms, public entities and utility companies.

With the job fair going virtual, West Texas students will have more opportunities to meet prospective employers, said Julia Humphrey, director of TSTC Career Services.

“One of our disadvantages in West Texas is we are so spread out. Being able to do our job fair virtually will eliminate that distance,” she said. 

In addition to Texas, companies from California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Oregon will be available to speak with students.

Humphrey said current students are training on how to access the fair through their computers, as well as updating resumes. Career services representatives are also helping students with interview skills.

“We are getting the students ready to enter the workforce,” Humphrey said. “The companies are excited to be part of this virtual experience, and so are the students.”

This is the first time TSTC has held the event virtually. In the past, company officials set up booths in the Student Center on the Sweetwater campus. Humphrey said with the virtual event, students may visit with potential employers anytime during the fair.

“We want them to be successful with the process of talking to potential employers,” she said.

Students will have access to the fair through their hireTSTC accounts.

For more information about TSTC, visit tstc.edu.


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