Breckenridge Vocational Nursing

(BRECKENRIDGE, Texas) – Virdi Crawford admitted she took a “leap of faith” when she began studying Vocational Nursing at Texas State Technical College in late 2019.

What she learned over the past five months is that she was able to adapt to a new learning environment.

“This is an experience that I will never forget,” said Crawford of finishing the spring semester from her home in Abilene. “What this made me realize is how easily I was able to adapt to a stressful situation.”

Crawford said students had to adjust to the new learning environment, but were able to stay connected through online resources.

“It was sad that we could not go to class and talk to each other. Not having the one-on-one with the instructors was also a huge adjustment,” she said. “All of this taught me to roll with the punches.”

The spring semester experience is something Crawford said she will remember after completing the program and getting a job.

“I know there will be days that are work-heavy and I will want to give up,” she said. “But what COVID -19 has taught me to analyze everything and take a deep breath. I will be able to keep going because if we can make it through this, we can make it through work.”

Crawford completed the spring semester from her home while her husband also worked from home. The couple also had to make sure their two children, ages four and seven, were active.

“It was hard to explain to my children that mom and dad needed a little time to get their work done,” she said. “We were able to do it.”

She knew other students were facing the same situation.

“A majority of my classmates are working and have children. They also had to make this adjustment,” she said.

Crawford said the Breckenridge instructors helped with the transition.

“When this first started, we did not know what was going to happen. We did not know if we would have to start the program over,” she said. “The instructors are always there fighting for us and adapted to the new learning environment. It was definitely challenging for them and for us.”

Crawford said working through the spring semester helped her realize she made the right choice to study nursing. She said that other students interested in the field should look at TSTC first.

“TSTC has so many resources available. The doors are always open for the instructors to talk to you,” she said. “Breckenridge may be a small campus, but everyone cares how you are doing.”

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