
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Jeremy Lopez has seen several job offers come his way lately.

The Texas State Technical College Welding Technology student, who will graduate this fall with a certificate of completion in structural welding, is considering several job opportunities, thanks to his progress at TSTC.

“I did some welding in high school because I was not interested in a lot of other things,” he said. “After coming to school here, I noticed I was getting a lot of job offers. That is great for me and my family.”

Those job offers have come from different states, as well as Texas.

“I am hoping I will be able to get a job close to home,” he said of his Van Horn roots.

Lopez said he works hard to pick up the techniques taught during lab sessions. He wants to make sure that his welds are the best he can do before submitting them to his instructors.

“I try to stay focused on what I need to do in the lab,” he said. “I enjoy working by myself so I can make sure the project is done correctly.”

Over the course of his lab sessions, Lopez said he has learned new techniques and how to weld different materials.

“When we started fabrication welding, I had no idea what it was about,” he said. “Like anything, it was hard at first, but over time I was able to get it. I knew I had to continue to work on the techniques.”

When he is finished with a project, Lopez said he likes to show it to his friends and family.

“I will either take my project home or send a picture to my dad,” he said. “My family is proud of the work I am able to do.”

Instructor Frank Molini said Lopez’s work ethic will be important when it is time to start a career.

“He is always on top of his projects. He makes sure to give us the best finished project,” he said. “He is going to have a good career in welding.”

According to onetonline.org, welders can earn a yearly median salary of more than $47,000 in Texas. These jobs are expected to increase 13% by 2028 in the state, according to the website.

TSTC offers Welding Technology at each of its 10 campuses located throughout Texas.

Welding Technology is one of nine programs at TSTC that have money-back guarantees. The college’s commitment to welding students is simple: If they do not have a job in their field within six months of graduation, they will receive a full refund of their tuition. For more information on the Money-Back Guarantee program, visit https://www.tstc.edu/admissions/tuition/.

Registration for the fall semester is underway. For more information, visit tstc.edu.

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