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"basic weldingmultiple processes osa" (501 results)
Providing quality patient care when it matters most. You could make the difference between life or death.
Moving raw materials from production to distribution is a key component in process industries pumping out some great careers.
A steady hand and attention to detail could land you a great career in an industry that's heating up the job market.
We have more than just technical degrees. You can also get your general academics here.
As a member of the dental health team, dental hygienists help prevent oral disease and educate patients on the maintenance of optimal oral health.
Moving electricity, water, oil, gas, and data; all under your control.
You've found a career with a healthy outlook. Allied health professionals are in big demand in Texas.
Helping you find a great career is not just part of our mission — it is our obsession. We want you to be successful in finding a job after graduation.
We are proud of our high job-placement rate. Helping students find jobs is so important that we have also made it our commitment.
- Hire TSTC for Students
Facing technological advances and a retiring workforce, America’s oil refineries are hungry for new talent. If you enjoy the challenge of using science and technology to create products for businesses and consumers, an oil refinery operator career may be a great choice for you.
We are all about helping students and graduates find great careers.
Let us help with your workforce needs.
- hireTSTC for Employers
As the manufacturing industry becomes more automated, many machinist are staying ahead of the curve by learning how to use CNC machines.
Administrative healthcare workers are in high demand. Whether you are just starting your career or transitioning into a different field, there has never been a better time to become a Certified Medical Administrative Assistant or work in medical billing and coding.
One obligation of Business Analytics and Reporting is to report student enrollment numbers and student college progress to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
The data and statistics pages are an effort to address the accountability and transparency of the college.
You’ve graduated to the big leagues and we couldn’t be more proud as you represent TSTC in the workforce.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt is a leading credential for professionals dedicated to process improvement, efficiency, and excellence. It is highly valued by organizations focused on minimizing waste and providing premium quality, defect-free products and services.
Our goal is to keep our students and campus communities safe. One way is to report any suspicious incidents and behavioral concerns early. We are committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment for all members of the campus community.
We provide testing services to assist you in assessing your knowledge and skills.
Join our team! Your unique role will make a positive impact on TSTC students. Whether you’re a faculty or staff member, you’ll join the team who works together to achieve outstanding results.
This program combines the Certified Medical Administrative Assistant program with training in electronic health records and medical terminology to give you a competitive edge in the healthcare field. You will learn the professional traits and responsibilities to become a vital part of the healthcare team. You will also be prepared for the national certification exams.
Veterinary assistants take charge of making sure office visits and procedures go smoothly for animals under veterinary care.
Regardless of the industry, all businesses can benefit from using QuickBooks to organize in their finances, stay on top of invoices, pay bills on time and track expenses efficiently.
In 2015, TSTC reorganized from four vertically integrated colleges into a single, statewide college with ten campuses. At the same time, we merged our fragmented infrastructure into a single leadership team with stewardship of the entire college.
The Office of Government Relations connects Texas State Technical College (TSTC) with the Texas Legislature, Congress, and federal and state agencies by monitoring appropriations processes, legislation, regulatory changes, and other policy developments relating to TSTC, higher education, workforce training, and economic development.
CompTIA’s A+ certification is the top credential for associate-level IT professionals.
HVACR is one of the most constant industries for new jobs, so there’s no better time to join.
Pharmacy technicians assist and support licensed pharmacists in providing healthcare to patients. The Pharmacy Technician Online Certification Training Course was developed in response to a rising need for trained technicians to work in hospitals or retail pharmacies. However, this growing opportunity has also come with increased responsibility, making certification an essential issue for many industry employers and some state legislatures. Some states now require all individuals who work as pharmacy technicians to become nationally certified.
Get Autodesk AutoCAD Certified! AutoCAD is one of the most in-demand software programs in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries.
Safety and security are essential to us. We want everyone to feel protected while on campus, whether you are a student, a faculty member, or a staff member.
TSTC cares, and we’ve got you covered. Learn more about how we’re protecting you from coronavirus, fighting gender discrimination, how you can report crimes and non-emergency situations, and more.
Dental assistants play a valuable role in any dental care team, often handling a variety of tasks from assisting with treatment procedures to administrative duties.
“This course used real life examples and different learning materials that still help us operate a business,” Kay P., United Tribe Logistics
We invite you to help us #OutnumberHunger for TSTC’s Giving Day.
On Giving Day, we will come together from all over the state to raise money to combat food insecurity and fill student pantries at our campuses.
Our core mission is to Place More Texans in Great Paying Jobs, but we know all too well how easy it is for our students to have that opportunity slip away due to unforeseen financial hardships.
We believe that no student should have to choose between basic needs and breaking the chains of generational poverty.
100% of each donation will directly impact TSTC students across the state.
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – A fast-track program to teach basic automotive skills will be taught at Texas State Technical College this fall. Sweetwater Automotive Technology instructor Gerod Strother will teach the 15-week Occupational Skills Award (OSA) program. The OSA is part of TSTC’s Rapid Industry Skills and Employability (RISE) program that helps students learn skills quickly...
(WACO, Texas) – Joseph Leavelle Jr., of Lorena, is eager to use his love of technology to find just the right job. He took a step toward that during the recently completed fall semester at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. He was one of three students to complete the Basic Computer Networking and Systems...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Alissa Sosa, 19, expects to earn her associate degree this semester from Texas State Technical College. The Harlingen native is an active member of the TSTC Leadership Academy and the Chemical Technology Club. With her participation in both organizations, Sosa has also been able to complete community service activities such as beach...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – May is Military Appreciation Month, a good time to let military veterans know that Texas State Technical College can offer them an education to gain the skills they need for good-paying jobs. Dion Sosa, of Harlingen, is furthering his education at TSTC by pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree in Welding...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Hector Rosa graduated last week from Texas State Technical College with an associate degree in Building Construction Technology. When did you first learn about your job offer? I learned about this job offer the week of commencement. I had other job offers leading up to this, but Morton’s made me an offer...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College was created to place more Texans in great-paying jobs, fill the middle-skills gap and meet industry demand, and it leads numerous initiatives throughout the year to accomplish its mission. One of these initiatives is the biannual Industry Job Fair, where TSTC students and alumni can meet potential employers....
Career Services to share information about resources available (HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Office of Career Services at Texas State Technical College is not letting working remotely stop it from helping TSTC students on their path to a new career. The department is set to host an On-the-Go Drive-Thru from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Many construction companies are looking for entry-level welders. To help fill that need, Texas State Technical College will offer an Occupational Skills Award certification program in Welding Technology this fall at the college’s Industrial Technology Center in Abilene. Three basic welding courses will be offered over 15 weeks, said instructor Anthony Lewis....
(WACO, Texas) – The Texas Mutual Insurance Co.’s $150,000 grant awarded in late 2020 through The TSTC Foundation to Texas State Technical College means that students can continue to learn technical skills quickly and receive assistance to ease life’s burdens. The college’s Rapid Industry Skills and Employability (RISE) program will receive $100,000 of the grant....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Attending the biannual Industry Job Fair at Texas State Technical College has become a tradition for directors and managers from Laughlin Air Force Base’s Civil Service Maintenance Directorate. Joseph Cortinas, Laughlin’s aircraft maintenance project manager, joined more than 60 other industry partners on Thursday during the college’s Industry Job Fair. “This fair...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Many college students around Texas are experiencing the age-old question that comes prior to graduation: What now? Texas State Technical College Director of Career Services Viviana Espinosa shed some light on how students can prepare to become top candidates for the next step in their career. “I love seeing students transition into...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When Andres Hinojosa was moving from the Rio Grande Valley to the Houston area, he was driving near the house he was planning on renting when he saw something that reminded him of home: Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County. TSTC has 10 statewide locations, one of which is...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – With each cut that they make and each nail that they drive, students in the Building Construction Technology program at Texas State Technical College are reaping benefits that can have a profound impact on their future careers. Third-semester students Jesse Cisneros and Eddie Rodriguez have been learning various components involved in building...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Computer Networking and Systems Administration program and Cybersecurity program at the North Texas campus will move to an all-online format this fall. For the 2020-21 academic year, TSTC’s health protocols have caused changes in how many classes are delivered. Some programs are moving to a hybrid format...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The most recent expansion project in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program involved adding 40 new welding stations and a new metal building for advanced fabrication. The growth was needed to accommodate students in a field that is booming in the Rio Grande Valley as companies expand and other companies relocate...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College recently introduced the Rapid Industry Skills and Employability, or RISE, program that allows students to train for a new job in as little as 7 1/2 weeks. Upon completion, students receive an Occupational Skills Award, which gives them the credentials to head off into their new career. One...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Texas State Technical College Office of Career Services will host a virtual industry job fair from March 23-25 to connect TSTC students and alumni with potential employers. The event is not open to the public. TSTC Career Services recently hosted a successful drive-thru event in which more than 200 TSTC students...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Wearing her heart on her sleeve and helping others is what Esmeralda Sosa, of Harlingen, has planned for her medical career. She is pursuing a certificate of completion in Vocational Nursing at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. Her medical journey began in 2017 after she became a certified nursing assistant. “I...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Whether cleaning rain gutters or dealing with holiday lights, people need to think “safety first” when using ladders. “People get used to saying, ‘It is not that high,’” said Jason Morrow, an instructor in Texas State Technical College’s Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance program at the Waco campus. “It does not take...
(ABILENE, Texas) – The runway to a career in aviation maintenance varied for three Texas State Technical College students. Simon Guijosa, Robert Larson and Jacob Mares are fourth-semester Associate of Applied Science degree students in TSTC’s Aircraft Airframe Technology and Aircraft Powerplant Technology programs. They have formed a bond with their classmates in the TSTC...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education department recently partnered with engineering, construction and project management company Bechtel, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corp. and Workforce Solutions Cameron to allow graduates from TSTC’s four-week, 140-hour NCCER Basic Rigger program the opportunity to apply for Rigger positions on the Rio Grande LNG...
Welding processes fascinating TSTC student (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Cameron Weaver grew up around an uncle who welded whatever was needed. “He wasn’t the type to go out and buy tables and racks,” Weaver recalled. “He built all the stuff. I was just really fascinated by all of that.” After 13 years in the Army and...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – People who suffer from substance abuse need a substance abuse counselor to guide them to recovery, and that professional will help them through each step of their disorder. Connie Schaaf is the statewide department chair for Texas State Technical College’s online Chemical Dependency Counseling program. Recently, she talked about why basic counseling...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The game of chess is known to require the utmost patience, preparation and strategy. Those same principles are comparable to the welding industry. Four TSTC alumni have established the direction of their program into a cohesive Welding Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. Manuel Ahumada, Isaac Rivas, Raul Saldivar...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Safety will be the top priority at Texas State Technical College when the fall semester begins Aug. 31. The four West Texas campuses, located in Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood and Sweetwater, will have a different look this year. Students who need to complete labs will be allowed on campus, but all other instruction...
Electromechanical Automation one of several courses to choose from (HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas A&M University student Bahaa Alhaj was eager to get back to in-person learning when he decided to enroll in Electromechanical Automation at Texas State Technical College. “It gave me experience in electrical circuits. Especially with COVID-19, we were doing all of our...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Digital Media Design students are going back to the basics. Throughout October, several students and instructors are participating in the Inktober challenge. The annual event focuses on improving a designer’s skill and developing a positive drawing habit, according to the challenge’s website, Each day of the month,...
(RED OAK, Texas) – In the welding field, it helps to be diverse in one’s skills. Ashley Yezak, statewide lead instructor in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program, said the need for welders in the Dallas-Fort Worth area has not slowed down as the country continues to grapple with the pandemic. “With energy production,...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Adam Rivas, a Welding Technology student at Texas State Technical College, is one of six students from the North Texas campus who won medals at the recent SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary Leadership and Skills Conference in Houston. Rivas won a gold medal in the Welding category, in which competitors were tasked with...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College in Waco is hosting several Texas A&M University College of Engineering students who are taking summer classes at TSTC. Students are participating in the Basic Electromechanical Automation (PLC), Integrated Manufacturing Processes, Basic Machining, and Welding – Multiple Processes occupational skills achievement award programs. The students are taking classes...
(WACO, Texas) – The health protocols undertaken in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program are not only keeping students safe, but also teaching a lesson. Program faculty have designated entrances and exits for TSTC’s Industrial Technology Center, along with enacting social distancing, sanitizing and requiring masks. These measures will continue during the fall semester,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Career Services department at Texas State Technical College recently hosted its Interview Practicum, an annual tradition that prepares soon-to-be graduates for job interviews. In line with TSTC’s mission of placing more Texans into great paying jobs, the two-day event brought industry partners, community members and TSTC faculty and staff together to...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College is committed to helping its graduates find jobs in their respective fields. Next week, TSTC students will be given the opportunity to find their new careers during the college’s Virtual Job Fair. The event, which is online due to TSTC’s coronavirus protocols, will take place on Oct. 29...
Opportunities gets college-level learning in gear for younger students (HARLINGEN, Texas) – After so much time spent learning virtually, GEAR UP student Lila Quintero is looking forward to being back in the classroom — even if it is the middle of summer vacation. The rising sophomore at Santa Rosa ISD was on campus at Texas...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumna Lily Conde, a Rio Hondo resident, knew the medical field was her calling. She had a great high school experience as an active member of the Health Occupations Students of America. That interest led her to enroll in TSTC’s Dental Hygiene program. She earned a certificate of...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Some Texas State Technical College students from the Harlingen location medaled at the recent 2024 SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary State Leadership and Skills Conference in Houston. Winning gold medals were Allison Agundiz, of Donna, in Welding Sculpture; Mohamed Deyab, of Harlingen, in Sheet Metal; Rene Garay Jr., of Brownsville, Matthew Muniz, of...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Recently some Texas State Technical College Dental Hygiene and Emergency Medical Services students won medals during their first time competing at a SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary State Leadership and Skills Conference. Diana Rocha, of Los Fresnos, and Miriam Sanchez, of Edinburg, represented TSTC’s Dental Hygiene program at the competition, which was held in...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Building Construction Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus now offers a night class option for students who are busy working at jobs during the day. Instructors Cecilia Espinosa and Rene Rodriguez teach the classes, which have 15 students enrolled. Juan Campillo, an Army veteran and employee of TSTC’s...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For more than 260 graduates from Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, the sounds of friends and families cheering and applauding reflected the soul of the ceremony. The proud graduates walked the stage and received their long-awaited certificates of completion or associate degrees at TSTC’s Spring 2023 Commencement held May 2 at...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Built from the ground up by Texas State Technical College Welding Technology instructors and students, the program has a new pipe fitting training station for its Advanced Layout and Fabrication course. The course, taken during a student’s third semester in the program, focuses on layout design, build and processes, blueprint reading and...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College in East Williamson County is hosting three Texas A&M University College of Engineering students who are taking summer classes at TSTC. Angus Blakely, of Georgetown, and Logan Davis, of Leander are taking classes in TSTC’s Welding Technology program. Seo Bae, of Austin, is taking classes in the Drafting...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Over the course of three days, six students in the Welding Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Fort Bend County campus participated in the recent SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary Leadership and Skills Conference in Houston. For them, it was a learning experience and a great time to show off their skills. “Other...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Eleazar Lumbrera started his journey at Texas State Technical College when he was in high school, but with doubts about his future, he decided not to attend college. But now he’s back as a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) student and is expecting to earn his associate degree in Spring 2020....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Not many college students get to fulfill their dream of being rocket scientists. But for two students of Leo Guajardo, a Texas State Technical College Aircraft Airframe and Powerplant instructor in Harlingen, they can come close. Guajardo and the students are the stewards of an X-38 space prototype vehicle frame for research...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Students in the Building Construction Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus were recently given a tour of the Joeris General Contractors headquarters in San Antonio. Joeris, a commercial construction company with additional locations in Austin, Dallas and Houston, welcomed the 22 students, along with their instructors, to interact directly...
TSTC alumnus works in drafting at SpaceX (HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumnus Gaddison GiuocoSchlaefer is a part of history, working as a drafter at SpaceX in Boca Chica. “It’s awesome,” he said. “It’s like, am I dreaming? It’s amazing. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” While drafter is GiuocoSchlaefer’s official title,...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Students graduating from Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems – Electrical Specialization program in Marshall leave with knowledge about commercial wiring, electrical theory, hydraulics, pneumatics and other topics. “There is actually big money locally if the students want to stay local,” said Edward Chaney, a TSTC program instructor. Texas had more than...
(HARLINGEN) – Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and paramedics are in high demand across the region and the state with a projected growth of 15 percent, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And EMS instructor Ruben Ramirez said Texas State Technical College is working to fill...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College in Harlingen will host its first of four registration rallies for the summer on Wednesday, June 12. The event, to be held at the Engineering Technology Center on Airport Drive, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. will focus on programs: Architectural Design & Engineering Graphics, Biomedical Equipment Technology,...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program is experiencing double the fun, times two. Alejandra and Galilea Puente, of Waco, and Sam and Tim Winters, of Colleyville, are students at Texas A&M University in College Station. The students are taking nine weeks of welding classes this summer at TSTC’s Waco campus as...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – There is growing demand for jobs for machinists and welders in modern engineering and manufacturing. This offers an excellent career outlook for students at Texas State Technical College who seek to fill those positions. In observance of Manufacturing Day on Friday, Oct. 7, TSTC recognizes its Precision Machining Technology and Welding Technology...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – The Automation and Controls Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus offers a path into numerous job sectors. Automation and controls is a field that TSTC instructors Douglas Clark and Troy Powledge said many find difficult to understand, due to its broad scope, but is an industry that has endless...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Listed by Forbes as one of the top five manufacturing trends in 2023, sustainable manufacturing has been on the rise for years. The need for training related to the trend has not gone unnoticed by Texas State Technical College. Jimmy Carter, a representative from semiconductor manufacturing company Texas Instruments, recently gave...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – With the aging of baby boomers and with a population with an overall longer life span, the need for health care services is growing, increasing the demand for vocational nurses. According to the U.S. Bureau Labor Statistics, vocational nursing is projected to grow faster than any other occupation by 2026. Texas State...
Christopher Biello gained relevant training through TSTC’s Precision Machining Technology program (ROSENBERG, Texas) – An automated machine shop in a U.S. Air Force base in Okinawa, Japan, gave Christopher Biello an idea of what he would do after his military career. “I was thoroughly impressed with what they were doing in there,” he recalled. Once...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The sound of a sizzling ribeye steak, the aroma of lemon-garlic-butter shrimp, and the moist texture of a molten chocolate cake. Experiences like these, along with his kitchen expertise, are what Texas State Technical College graduate Hipolito Garcia brings to his culinary students at San Benito High School. Garcia earned an Associate...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Jose Luis Quintero, of Raymondville, recalls that some of the homes his family lived in when he was growing up were not properly built. That memory factored into his decision to attend Texas State Technical College. “I’m in the fourth semester of the Building Construction Technology program at TSTC’s Harlingen campus,” he...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus will welcome more than 2,500 students to begin the spring 2025 semester on Monday, Jan. 13. While some of the students are stepping into college life for the first time, others are continuing to sharpen their skills in preparation for entering the Texas workforce. Among them...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Emergency Medical Technician program at Texas State Technical College in Harlingen recently made changes that bring more opportunity to current and future students. Last year, after being under Workforce Training and Continuing Education for more than a decade, TSTC’s EMS program received the accreditation it needed to offer a certificate and...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When someone thinks of Texas State Technical College, cybersecurity might not be front of mind. But the Cybersecurity program at TSTC is crucial to filling the need for greater online safety for both businesses and individuals across the state. Andrew Phillips, lead instructor for the program at the Fort Bend County campus,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Jobs, of all levels, are in demand in the health industry, especially in the medically underserved Rio Grande Valley, and Workforce Training at Texas State Technical College is helping employers meet their needs and fill a skills gap with its new Allied Health courses being offered. This is the first time that...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Jose Luis Garcia II, 37, graduated in 2018 with an associate degree in Business Management Technology from Texas State Technical College. The Harlingen native served in the U.S. Air Force for nearly five years before becoming a disabled veteran due to on-the-job injuries. He was stationed in North Dakota and was on...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Once equipment is installed at a chemical plant, personnel are needed to operate it. Texas State Technical College’s Process Operations program in Marshall teaches industrial processes, troubleshooting, process instrumentation and other topics to students interested in pursuing jobs as chemical, gas plant, power plant or refinery operators. “We have started to get...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Today’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning technicians need to know more than basic electrical theory and refrigeration processes. As technology evolves, so does the need to be familiar with how smart technology is being used in HVAC systems. Curtis Christian, a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology instructor at Texas State Technical...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Frederico Luna knew he wanted to become a lineman after seeing the disaster brought on by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. This semester, he graduated from Texas State Technical College with a certificate of completion in Electrical Lineworker Technology. What was your experience like at TSTC? My experience at TSTC was amazing. The...
Campus welding lab is home to 160 booths (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Sparks flew as students practiced their craft recently in the welding lab at Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County. Lead instructor Jerroll Hodge walked from booth to booth, straightening strip curtains and answering questions from students. With an expansion completed in...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Luz Puente is something of a trailblazer. The San Benito resident is currently the sole female student in the Precision Machining Technology program at the Texas State Technical College campus in Harlingen. Before Puente enrolled, she had met with Precision Machining Technology instructors and toured the program. Its state-of-the-art lab equipment, especially...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Omar Escalon, of La Feria, served as a U.S. Border Patrol agent for 11 years. Afterward, he was in search of a personal challenge that would be out of his comfort zone. He enrolled at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus to begin that educational career change and earned an Associate of...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Carlos Ulin Jr. may have just earned his Associate of Applied Science degree in Welding Technology at Texas State Technical College’s recent fall 2021 commencement ceremony, but he already has his sights set on what comes next: a certificate of completion in Structural and Pipe Welding from TSTC. The Sugar Land resident...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Ruby Steptoe’s family has a welding streak that runs three generations long. But the Texas State Technical College Welding Technology instructor’s family did not know she was going to school for welding until she brought her plate and pipe home to show her grandfather. “They had no clue,” Steptoe recalled. “They thought...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – U.S. Navy veteran and Border Patrol agent Juan Cruz, of Harlingen, recalled a few moments in his life that motivated him to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree in Cybersecurity at Texas State Technical College. Cruz’s mother purchased a computer that he would use for studies to start middle school. Next...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – For the first time, Texas State Technical College in Marshall is hosting a group of Texas A&M University College of Engineering students who are taking summer classes as part of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station’s Bachelor’s+ Program. Students are taking nine weeks of classes in the Process Operations and Basic Welding...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As Texas State Technical College student Ruben Lopez travels on U.S. Highway 77 to and from his hometown of Raymondville, he often sees a plethora of wind turbines. His curiosity about the turbines was what inspired him to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree in Wind Energy Technology at TSTC’s Harlingen...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s statewide Industrial Systems – Mechanical Specialization program will have an enhanced curriculum beginning in the fall semester starting Monday, Aug. 28. The program has added classes in industrial electricity, print reading, welding and a second class focusing on programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for students to take. “The additional...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Robert Piña is a Business Management Technology student at Texas State Technical College and expects to earn his associate degree in Summer 2019. The 43-year-old San Benito native, boasts a 3.5 grade-point average and also already holds two associate degrees from TSTC’s Building Construction Technology and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As she was wrapping up her final year of high school, Mary Guerrero knew that she wanted to spend her career helping others. A senior class trip to Texas State Technical College helped guide her right where she needed to be. Now the Santa Rosa native is ready to embark on a...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College provides a hands-on approach to the rapidly growing field of culinary arts. TSTC offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts, as well as three certificates, all of which can help equip students for success in the future. Culinary Arts instructor Emma Creps discussed the approach...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College was recently awarded a Texas Reskilling Support Fund Grant in the amount of $300,000 by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Reskilling grants allow Texas higher education institutions to provide financial assistance to students who are experiencing adversities and have had to drop out of college because...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – College declaration days are not just for athletes. On May 21, nine Raymondville Early College High School students announced their plans to attend Texas State Technical College in the fall. The Texas Workforce Commission sponsors Texas Career Technical Signing Day events, like the Raymondville event, statewide to recognize students who are choosing...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Lineworker Technology students had a rare moment in the shade as they met team members visiting from Magic Valley Electric Cooperative. The students recounted how they became interested in lineworking. From fulfilling childhood dreams, to word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, to not knowing much about the industry until...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – In a typical year, at a typical pinning ceremony, Texas State Technical College students in allied health programs would gather to celebrate the culmination of their studies in a solemn event steeped in tradition. But this is not a typical year. The pinning ceremonies for the Nursing and Surgical Technology allied health...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As an academic advisor for the Upward Bound program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, Anthony Johnson II is part of a long tradition of African Americans whose positive impact will be felt for generations to come and who are celebrated during Black History Month. Johnson said he is honored by...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A person’s smile can truly be captivating. Restoring a patient’s oral health is an art and a science that brings joy to a dental hygienist. Raquel Rico, a Texas State Technical College alumna and the TSTC Dental Hygiene program lead at the TSTC campus in Harlingen, is multifaceted in her TSTC Dental...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Aaron Cantu, of Harlingen, knew he had to choose a career pathway when he was a student at San Benito High School. His decision to choose health care led him to future success in the health care field. Not only is he a nursing assistant teacher at his former high school, but...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Some 200 students from 14 area high schools will visit Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus for a Region One GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) campus tour Thursday, May 26. The participating high schools include Edcouch-Elsa, Harlingen, Harlingen South, La Feria, Lasara, La Villa, Los Fresnos, Monte...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus opened the doors to its annual Industry Job Fair, where more than 250 students and alumni presented their resumes and credentials to business and industry representatives, on Thursday, March 30. Representatives of around 75 companies from across Texas and the United States provided information on job...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Dental Hygiene program recently hosted its inaugural dental hygienist networking event in collaboration with San Antonio-based Patterson Dental Supply. The event was held April 4 at SMOKE: Texas BBQ and Watering Hole in Harlingen, where more than 20 graduating TSTC Dental Hygiene students networked with representatives from about...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College welcomed around 300 high school seniors at a National CTE (career and technical education) Letter of Intent Signing Day event on Thursday, April 20, at the Harlingen campus. School representatives from Brownsville, Donna, Edcouch-Elsa, Edinburg, Harlingen, IDEA Public Schools, La Feria, Los Fresnos, Lyford, Mercedes, Monte Alto, Palmview,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Ensuring that structures are safe and align with specific building codes is an essential part of Duvie Alcozer’s job as a building official with the town of Laguna Vista. While on the job, she once observed a woman who was remodeling her home. Alcozer became intrigued by the renovation process, and that...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The thought of a loved one, a friend or any person being diagnosed with cancer — especially lung cancer — is a serious concern. The Vocational Nursing program at Texas State Technical College emphasizes the importance of lung cancer awareness — especially on World Lung Cancer Day on Tuesday, Aug. 1. Lung...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – At Texas State Technical College, the formula to a great-paying career for some students starts by training with industry-standard equipment and materials to prepare for competition at the SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary Leadership and Skills Conference and, ultimately, the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. Recently Best Block, a Quikrete company, donated three...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Victoria Garcia is part of the next generation of Building Construction Technology students at Texas State Technical College. Garcia plans to showcase her skills at the 2023 SPEC Mix Bricklayer 500’s South Texas Regional Series at Best Block in San Antonio on Thursday, Nov. 2. The SPEC Mix Bricklayer 500 is the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – At Texas State Technical College, the Access and Learning Accommodations (ALA) office serves as a resource for students who may experience barriers due to a disability — especially when students are striving in their educational journeys toward employment. Every October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with...
(WACO, Texas) – Kyler Valenta is back in a familiar place. Valenta, of Waco, graduated in 2019 from Texas State Technical College’s Instrumentation Technology program and quickly went to work at Formosa Plastics Corp., Texas in Point Comfort as an instrumentation technician specializing in analyzer systems. Earlier this year, Valenta made a career change and...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Representatives from Morton Buildings Inc. visited with some students in Texas State Technical College’s Building Construction Technology program during a recent employer spotlight at TSTC’s Harlingen campus. Gina Lopez-Montague and Dennis Norris discussed the company’s history, job opportunities, work culture and career progression. “We want future employees to understand we’re not hiring...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – It is wintertime in Texas, and preparing your home for frigid temperatures can be a smart decision. Hector Rosa is the Building Construction Technology program director at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. Recently he talked about how homeowners can best prepare their homes for severe winter weather. Why should a homeowner...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College recently welcomed more than two dozen high school counselors and career and technical education (CTE) teachers to experience the college’s technologies and hands-on labs during its second annual TECHcelerate, a weeklong technical education conference with two different sessions at TSTC’s Harlingen location. Rebeca Villanueva-Hernandez, TSTC’s enrollment lead in...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Safety is a top priority in many of the programs taught at Texas State Technical College not only during National Safety Month in June, but also throughout the rest of the year. Hector Rosa is TSTC’s Building Construction Technology program team lead at TSTC’s Harlingen location. Recently he talked about how safety...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Navy veteran and Texas State Technical College alumnus Carlos Rodriguez is giving back to the college as a new aviation maintenance instructor at TSTC’s Harlingen campus with the goal of preparing students for future jobs as aircraft mechanics. “I’ve been on the job for a month,” Rodriguez said. “I’ve enjoyed teaching the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The HVAC Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus recently welcomed back one of its own. Roberto Frausto, who earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in HVAC Technology at TSTC in 2021, returned at the beginning of the fall semester as the program’s newest instructor. “I wanted to give...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A website recently placed Texas State Technical College at the top of its list of Best Construction Trades Associate Degree Schools in the United States for 2025. According to its website, the company was created to help students research colleges and careers. It gathers data from public and private sources, including the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Great things are happening as a result of the new construction at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. Some programs new to the campus will start this fall, including Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology, which will offer an Associate of Applied Science degree and a certificate of completion. “Students will learn about multiple...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – When air conditioning breaks down on those sizzling Rio Grande Valley days, leave it to heating, ventilation and air conditioning technicians to come to the rescue. More of the technical superheroes are needed in the region and throughout Texas. “Right now, we are getting job offers from different companies,” said Jorge Cabrera,...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College instructor Charles Sparks would like to help you reframe what you picture when you think of robotics — specifically in the context of TSTC’s Robotics Technology program. “When most people think of robotics, they envision consumer-based items such as drones, robotic vacuums, cars, trucks, boats and even ‘battle...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumnus Marcos Anzaldua, of Weslaco, grew up with a knack for tinkering in the family’s mechanic shop. Years later, observations of his father’s repair work enhanced that automotive knowledge. That would guide Anzaldua toward a rewarding automotive career. Anzaldua earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – The instructors and staff of Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus have been asked before how they introduce digital tools in the learning environment. TSTC knows that as technology continues to evolve, the classrooms’ resources must evolve as well. Throughout their previous careers, Automation and Controls Technology instructors Douglas Clark and Troy...
(WACO, Texas) – Dominic Abeyta, of Hewitt, is working toward a Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology certificate at Texas State Technical College. He is scheduled to graduate in December. What inspired you to study Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology at TSTC? I was working as an armed security guard, but I was looking for a new challenge...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Automotive Technology student Trey Beavers takes inspiration from one single saying from his grandfather. “He always told me, ‘If someone built it, you can work on it.’ That is how I fell in love with working on anything with an engine,” Beavers said. Beavers is studying for a...
Industrial Systems instructor celebrates student’s work ethic (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Tommy Barrett used to watch — with great curiosity — when mechanics would disassemble and troubleshoot hydraulic pumps and motors in the cardboard balers that were used at a grocery store chain. It was enviably different from Barrett’s position: stocking shelves in the dairy section....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Aydra Vasquez, a former California resident who now lives in Harlingen, has fond memories of being in the robotics club at her middle school near San Diego. Those memories would influence her decision to enroll in the Mechatronics Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, where she is studying for...
(WACO, Texas) – Christina Pace is elevating her creativity through digital art. Pace, 23, of McGregor designs fliers for Texas State Technical College in Waco’s Visual Art Society, which includes other TSTC Visual Communication Technology majors. It is practice for her future career in graphic design. As she pursues her endeavors and studies, Pace finds...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) -A Minnesota transplant, Jonathan Eichten is ready for his first South Texas summer at Texas State Technical College doing what he loves best – helping students start and finish college. The 53-year-old is only a couple of weeks in as TSTC’s newest campus enrollment executive, but brings with him more than two decades...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As a U.S. Navy and Coast Guard veteran Jeromy Jeffries has lived across the United States and overseas, but he now calls the Wind Energy Technology program at Texas State Technical College home. After more than two decades, the 44-year-old decided it was time to return to college and earn a degree....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As a U.S. Navy and Coast Guard veteran Jeromy Jeffries has lived across the United States and overseas, but he now calls the Wind Energy Technology program at Texas State Technical College home. After more than two decades, the 44-year-old decided it was time to return to college and earn a degree....
(WACO, Texas) – Six employees at Texas State Technical College in Waco have been honored for their skills and work. Meagan Cooper, an instructor in the Electrical Power and Controls program; Kent Kahler, a senior instructor in the Diesel Equipment Technology program; Anju Motwani, senior accountant; Jana Polansky, student accounting coordinator; Raymond Silva, a Culinary...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – On Friday, Texas State Technical College in Fort Bend County will host its first Registration Rally of the summer. The event, hosted at the TSTC Brazos Center, will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will focus on registering prospective and current students for four of the 10 programs offered at...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Eric Interiano graduated from high school in the top ten percent of his class, but with no college plans or career path to follow. For the now 20-year-old, who recently earned his associate degree in Biomedical Equipment Technology, this was concerning on many levels. As a top 10 percent, general academics dual-enrollment...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – John Moody is an Automotive Technology graduate from Texas State Technical College. He earned his associate degree in 2012 and since then has had a successful career in industry. The 37-year-old, San Benito native, said vehicle maintenance and repairs has been his life. As a child he would assist his late father...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Nicholas Delaurelle of Longview is relieved that he has been hired for a job before he graduates from Texas State Technical College. “It is reassuring making some money, because I have bills to pay,” he said. “I’ll be moving into an apartment the day after graduation.” Delaurelle is one of more than...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Rosit Youssef was only 13-years-old when her family moved from Egypt to the United States. She has struggled, but has persevered, and now at age 18, is one of the youngest students in Texas State Technical College’s Cybersecurity program. “I struggled with being in a new country, but I knew we had...
(WACO, Texas) – Today the Texas Workforce Commission awarded a Skills Development Fund grant totaling $115,132 that was used for customized training provided by Texas State Technical College for two companies. The grant created industry-related training for 58 new and incumbent workers at Cargill, a Minneapolis-based company whose Waco plant processes cooked meats, and Eagle...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Cooking and baking are only a couple of the skills students learn in Culinary Arts at Texas State Technical College. Emma Creps, TSTC Culinary Arts lead instructor, said with an industry that is growing, graduates from the program can find opportunities to begin their careers. “Many of our graduates are placed in...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – With manufacturing on the rise, the number of skilled machinists needed in the industry is also increasing. And Precision Machining Technology at Texas State Technical College is working to produce the machinists needed to meet the demand. TSTC Precision Machining Technology lead instructor Isaac Gonzalez said he receives phone calls very often...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – In one year, Texas State Technical College student Christopher Machado will earn an associate degree in Automotive Technology, making him the first in his family to graduate from college. But the 19-year-old also has one other thing to be proud of: He already has a full-time job in his chosen career field....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – On Friday, Jackie Cook joined nearly 100 other Texas State Technical College graduates who received a certificate or an associate degree during the college’s commencement ceremony at the Stafford Centre. The 31-year-old walked across the stage to receive his associate degree in Cybersecurity Technology as his family and friends witnessed the graduate’s...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – On Friday, Texas State Technical College student David Krenek will walk across the stage at the Stafford Centre and receive his associate degree in Industrial Systems. “It feels great knowing that I’m done and about to graduate,” said the 20-year-old. “It’s time to move forward and get my life started. That’s exciting.”...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – By the time they are 63 years old, most people are thinking about retirement. But not Adan Chavez. He is just getting started on what he calls his second chance at life. The Pharr native graduated from Texas State Technical College in 2018 with certificates in Aircraft Airframe Technology and Aircraft Powerplant...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Astro Mechanics in Round Rock is one of the few manual machining shops in the Austin area, said Carrie Stemp, the company’s president. “I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars looking in Texas, and I just don’t get anybody,” she said. “I may get one or two (potential employees), but they...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Keeping students safe while welding is a top priority for Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology instructors. Philip Miller, an instructor in TSTC’s Welding Technology program in Marshall, said students learn about safety in the first couple of weeks each semester. Personal protection equipment is one of the most important topics covered....
(WACO, Texas) – In Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program, the issue of safety is as hot as the sparks flying off welding torches. The program has an orientation during the first semester before classes start for students to learn how to prevent injury to the hands and eyes, along with other topics, said...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Cristobal Davila served his country for eight years. Today, he is helping veterans transition to civilian life at Texas State Technical College. On a daily basis, Davila, who is a Department of Veterans Affairs school certifying official at TSTC’s Harlingen campus, processes college applications, as well as showing veterans how to apply...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – A fascination with chemistry, environmental science, health and safety can lead to jobs in Texas for water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators. Graduates of Texas State Technical College’s Process Operations program in Marshall can pursue these jobs, along with those at chemical, gas and petroleum plants. The program exposes students...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Graduates of Texas State Technical College’s Chemical Dependency Counseling program learn more about themselves, according to Patty Bundick, the program’s department chair. Bundick said the need for licensed counselors is always high and students range in age from high school graduates to older students. “Some of our students are hungry to know...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Faculty members and students in Texas State Technical College’s Process Operations Technology program started working with a new virtual reality software system this summer. PetroSkills Simulation Solutions’ Distillation VR is in the early stages of use this summer in the Process Technology III – Operations and Process Troubleshooting classes. Students can access...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – In the seven months that Sugar Land native Yareni Gomez has spent with Texas State Technical College as a program enrollment coach, she has not only assisted TSTC students in Fort Bend County plan for their futures, but also made it her goal that they know they can count on her for...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program will continue to teach in a hybrid format this fall. Students will listen to lectures online and participate in hands-on labs on campus. “Welding is by far one of our most popular programs, and it’s easy to see why,” said Barton Day, provost at TSTC’s...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program has completed an expansion just in time for the start of the fall semester on Aug. 31. Forty spacious welding booths have been built in an area once used by the Precision Machining Technology program. The welding area will be used by classes and also...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Workforce Training department is providing a 10-month customized industrial maintenance academy for Mars Wrigley employees in Waco. “The training program is a prime example of the mission of TSTC to prepare students for great-paying jobs in Texas,” said Adam Barber, interim director of TSTC’s Workforce Training department. The...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Some Johnson County college students are looking to Texas State Technical College to shape their futures. During the fall semester, more than 60 county residents are attending TSTC’s campuses in North Texas, Marshall, Sweetwater and Waco. “The hiring potential in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Ellis County and Johnson County areas is increasing...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Some Johnson County college students are looking to Texas State Technical College to shape their futures. During the fall semester, more than 60 county residents are attending TSTC’s campuses in North Texas, Marshall, Sweetwater and Waco. “The hiring potential in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Ellis County and Johnson County areas is increasing...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Prospective Texas State Technical College Welding Technology students can have the opportunity to learn about the program firsthand during the program’s open house from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4. “Potential students will get a look into our new and updated welding building during their visit to campus,” said assistant...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Welding Technology at Texas State Technical College teaches students the skills needed to thrive in the fast-growing career. Instructors Manuel Ahumada and Mark Casares are on a mission to ensure that their students not only are familiar with the world of welding, but also are confident in their abilities from day one...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Mechatronics Technology program equips students with the essential skills needed to succeed in a career that is expected to grow through 2029, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mechatronics, whose name derives from combining the words mechanical and electronics, is the study and use of multiple...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For nine years, Jorge Cabrera has been bringing his vast experience and knowledge of heating, ventilation and air conditioning to the classrooms of Texas State Technical College. The military veteran graduated with an Associate of Applied Science degree in HVAC Technology from TSTC in 2007 before serving in the U.S. Marines for...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Students in Texas State Technical College’s Process Operations Technology program in Marshall are getting the most out of some new virtual reality software. The program’s faculty members and students began using PetroSkills Simulation Solutions’ Distillation VR software last summer. The software can be used in classes focusing on process instrumentation, troubleshooting and...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s online Business Management Technology program prepares students for a wide range of career options. Graduates of the program have worked in different areas of business, from accounting to business management. Earning an associate degree or certificate has opened doors for many of the program’s graduates. Ron Howard is...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College is known for adapting its technical programs to fit the needs of industry. Starting this fall, a new degree will enable students to learn to protect the health and safety of others. The Associate of Applied Science degree in Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance combines two previous degrees...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Armando Galvan Jr., a biomedical technician II at Fresenius Kidney Care, credits his degree from Texas State Technical College to his current success in his position. “The Biomedical Equipment Technology program at TSTC really helped me gain the skills and knowledge that I needed to choose a great career path,” he said....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Austin Hargett makes roses bloom from metal — thorns and all. The Texas State Technical College Welding Technology instructor can also get scorpions to skitter out of aluminum, bees to buzz around a honeycomb of hex nuts, and many other feats of metalworking. A co-worker who became a friend showed Hargett the...
(BRECKENRIDGE, Texas) – Sherry Love knows she will have career options when she completes Texas State Technical College’s Vocational Nursing program in December. Love is studying to become a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), with plans to remain in her hometown of Breckenridge after graduating. “I know nursing has a very vast job field,” she said....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Diesel Equipment Technology program is seeing its biggest session yet this semester on the Fort Bend County campus. Nearly 50 new students have started their technical training, learning in a hybrid format of online learning and hands-on training. “They can experience more and have more growth in the...
Area company looking to staff industrial maintenance technicians, among other positions (ROSENBERG, Texas) – The 15 Texas State Technical College Industrial Systems students who attended a recent industry spotlight event with Leedo Cabinetry walked away from the experience with more than just a brand-new Stanley tape measure. They also came away with valuable insights on...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Pilots get planes off the ground, but skilled technicians ensure that planes are safe to fly. Texas State Technical College student Juliana Perez, of Brownsville, is training to be one of those technicians. She is proud of her decision to enroll in the Aircraft Powerplant Technology program at TSTC. She also is...
(WACO, Texas) – As the COVID-19 pandemic rampaged across the world, Texas State Technical College responded. And that plan has received recognition from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with a 2021 Star Award, which recognized higher education institutions in Texas for their response efforts to the pandemic. TSTC activated its statewide Emergency Operations Team...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Jessica Krause, of Round Rock, left her job as a pet groomer to enroll at Texas State Technical College in East Williamson County to study Welding Technology. The first-semester student said she was not expecting such a fast pace of teaching. Besides adapting to new skills, Krause had not been in a...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus hosted a visit Tuesday by state Rep. Jay Dean, R-Longview, who represents the newly redrawn District 7 at the state Capitol. Dean’s visit was his first to the Marshall campus. “It has been a very impressive trip to visit the facilities and visit the faculty and...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – This fall, Texas State Technical College’s Computer Networking and Systems Administration, Cybersecurity, and Drafting and Design programs will offer students the choice to complete their training either fully online or in a format that combines online learning with in-person lab time — opportunities that have not been available in these programs since...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Aaron Sorenson, of Longview, credits representatives of Longview’s Eastman Chemical Co. visiting his high school in helping him choose his career path. “I was at a point in my life where I did not know what the heck I was going to do,” said Sorenson, a Process Operations Technology student at Texas...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Automation is the future for many industries, and welding is no exception. Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology automation lab at TSTC’s campus in Fort Bend County recently received new equipment to help keep TSTC students on the cusp of emerging technology and practices. “We’ve got a submerged-arc machine, new orbital pipe...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Career Services department recently held its first in-person Interview Practicum after holding them virtually for two years due to the pandemic. The two-day event offered practice interview experiences for more than 100 TSTC students, who met with business representatives to discuss their job qualifications. Every two-hour session had...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – National Welding Month, which is observed each April, is a good time to showcase how current automation technology in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program is preparing students for careers in the manufacturing field. The orbital tube welding machine and the robotic welding arm cell are types of welding automation that...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – When Texas State Technical College Welding Technology alumnus Samuel Grimaldo accepted a job as the Maritime Welding instructor in TSTC’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education program, he did not anticipate the influence that his experience would have on the students. “I teach shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, flux core...
(WACO, Texas) – Beginning in fall 2024, Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems program will combine mechanical and electrical specialties to meet industry and student needs. Edward Chaney, the Industrial Systems program’s statewide department chair, recently gave a brief description of what the industrial systems industry entails. “(Industrial systems) is the background in industrial manufacturing...
(WACO, Texas) – More than 20 career and education counselors and teachers throughout Texas learned about technical careers at Texas State Technical College’s TECHcelerate conference held Tuesday, July 11, through Thursday, July 13, at the Waco campus. Attendees got hands-on experience in some of TSTC’s programs, including Building Construction Technology, Precision Machining Technology and Robotics...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Watching his older brother piqued the interest of Rory Bustamante to explore a career in welding. The May native followed in his brother’s footsteps to Texas State Technical College to pursue a certificate of completion in Welding Technology. “My brother graduated from TSTC nine years ago,” he said. “I went to another...
(WACO, Texas) – Students from Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering are wrapping up a summer of hands-on learning at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. More than 30 students in the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station’s (TEES) Bachelor’s+ Program began taking hybrid and online classes in late May and finished at the end of...
(WACO, Texas) – Paul Roberts, of Leander, is a regional safety director at Rogers-O’Brien Construction in Austin and a graduate of Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. Roberts graduated in the early 1990s from what was then Texas State Technical Institute with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Occupational Safety and Health and a...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Imagine a world where all structures are at risk of collapsing at any second. Buildings creak with every step, a slight gust of wind could knock down a bridge, and airplanes and space exploration are nothing but fantasy. Luckily, the world is a much more secure place — thanks to welders. “We’ve...
(WACO, Texas) – Many welders work in challenging conditions. From confined spaces to fumes to light radiation, the workers need to heed federal and state safety guidelines. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 48 deaths and 100 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in 2020 among brazers, solderers and welders in the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A group of Welding Technology students at Texas State Technical College recently learned about job opportunities that they might pursue at the EPIC Piping fabrication facility in San Marcos. During the recruitment visit, representatives from EPIC Piping discussed the company’s history, career outlook, job benefits and work culture. “The welding industry is...
(WACO, Texas) – Tania Segura, a senior at La Vega High School, is motivated to learn about welding and how it ties into her interests in architecture and construction. Segura is in her second year of taking dual enrollment classes in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program at the Waco campus. She and some...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Gladewater resident and single father Blake Edwards had a special request for senior enrollment coach Jason Beach when applying to attend Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus. “What I asked Jason for was the hardest program with the biggest potential,” Edwards said. “I was just looking for something to get me in...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Career Services department hosted four industry panel discussions for TSTC students on Wednesday, June 5. Company representatives spoke to students from the Industrial Systems, Precision Machining Technology, Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance, and Welding Technology programs. The panel discussions were held at the Industrial Technology Center on the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For U.S. Navy veteran Axel Iracheta, his former job as an aviation boatswain’s mate on an aircraft carrier docked in California — and a brief handshake with a movie star — led him to pursue an education in aviation maintenance at Texas State Technical College. “My job was doing some maintenance on...
(WACO, Texas) – They came for the career lessons and stayed for the ice cream. Representatives of Blue Bell Creameries of Brenham spoke to more than 170 students in the Electrical Power and Controls and the Instrumentation Technology programs at Texas State Technical College on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The event was hosted by TSTC’s Career...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – When Texas State Technical College student Valient Rodriguez was in high school, the thought of going to college did not interest him. But his mindset began to change when his uncle showed him some welding techniques and how to work on electrical and mechanical components on automobiles. Eventually his uncle encouraged him...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Time for an upgrade? The Emergency Medical Services program at Texas State Technical College in Abilene recently created a program that brings more opportunity to current and future students. The EMS program now gives certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians college credit for some certifications they already have. The certifications are transferred...
(ABILENE, Texas) – This week marks the 45th annual National EMS Week, which honors the dedication of those who provide lifesaving services each day. As the next generation of emergency medical service providers prepares to enter the workforce, Texas State Technical College students and faculty remember why they chose to serve. “National EMS Week allows...
By Amanda Sotelo (HARLINGEN, Texas) – A Texas Workforce Commission grant will allow Texas State Technical College and Mueller Co. at its Brownsville location to advance the technical skills of more than 80 Mueller Co. employees through workforce training provided by TSTC. Bryan Daniel, TWC’s chairman and commissioner representing the public, on Wednesday presented both...
(ABILENE, Texas) – After earning a certificate in Diesel Equipment Technology from Texas State Technical College last summer, Alfred Rodriguez, of Knox City, wanted to continue his education this fall. The 39-year-old is now pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree in TSTC’s Industrial Systems program. He began classes in Abilene knowing that his oil...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Rush Harris, executive director of the Marshall Economic Development Corp., said the need for industrial systems workers is being seen right now. Harris said he recently has spoken with two companies that need new workers. He said more than 20 companies in Harrison County and surrounding counties are searching for industrial systems...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Leaders from Texas State Technical College and the Rio-South Texas Education and Community Development Foundation Inc. (RSTEF) gathered Thursday, Sept. 30, at TSTC’s Harlingen campus to celebrate a $310,250 grant to The TSTC Foundation for TSTC’s Biomedical Equipment Technology program and The TSTC Foundation’s Goal Line Assistance Scholarship. The RSTEF has pledged...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Career Services department recently organized a virtual event to connect TSTC students with a potential employer: M&S Engineering. M&S Engineering is a Texas-based engineering firm whose scope of services includes electrical engineering; civil engineering; mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP); and survey projects through its sister company, Sherwood Surveying...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Since the age of 13, Cameron Dirickson knew that he wanted to attend Texas State Technical College. Dirickson, of Comanche, is studying for a certificate of completion in Welding Technology, with plans to follow in a family member’s footsteps. “My cousin has been a welder for a long time and owns his...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems program in Marshall gives students the hands-on experience they need to fill many East Texas jobs. The program’s courses include basic electrical theory, blueprints, commercial wiring, compressors and hydraulics. Edward Chaney, an instructor in TSTC’s Industrial Systems program, said instructors look at new students as blank...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College will debut an Associate of Applied Science degree in Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology – Journeyman this fall at the Waco campus. Some of the classes that students will take include Backflow Prevention, Basic Blueprint Reading for Plumbers, Construction Estimating, OSHA Regulations – Construction Industry, and Plumbing Codes I...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College will provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training at each of its four West Texas campuses in August. Classes will be offered in two-day courses that will lead to OSHA 10 credentials. Each course is limited to 10 students, who must attend both days to receive credit....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – More than a month before Texas State Technical College’s Summer 2022 Commencement, TSTC HVAC Technology student Myles Davis has earned his certificate of completion. How? HVAC Technology is part of TSTCYou, which meets students where they are through a flexible, performance-based education (PBE) modality that works with busy schedules. “PBE is really...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Utility companies depend on highly skilled automotive technicians to keep their fleet vehicles ready for everything from routine service calls to emergencies. Alex Alvarado, of San Benito, is a fourth-semester Automotive Technology student at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, where he is studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree. He...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Robert Shields is a Texas State Technical College instructor in the Electrical Power and Controls program at the Fort Bend County campus. With a passion for all things mechanical and electrical, Shields has years of experience working in the field, as well as instructing students in the classroom. Tell us a...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Texas, Dustin Bostick had to pivot his career path. After earning a bachelor’s degree in nutrition, the Brownwood native had plans to pursue a career as a physician’s assistant. But the pandemic shut down clinical sessions, and he decided to become an emergency medical technician (EMT). Becoming...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A loving father-son relationship is a lifelong connection that helps a son to develop independence and other traits throughout life. One memory that Paulo Garza, of Mission, treasures is being introduced to welding. This led him to an education at Texas State Technical College and a career goal of becoming an independent...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – November is National Scholarship Month, and Texas State Technical College’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education program has scholarships available for its upcoming National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Core, Carpentry and Electrical courses. The courses are for individuals who are interested in developing or enhancing their technical training skills. “The...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Advocacy and Resource Center in Harlingen recently received a donation of snacks and other items for its food pantry from the Junior League of Harlingen’s Done in a Day committee. According to, the committee helps to serve immediate needs in the community through single-day volunteer opportunities. Cynthia...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education department will offer four new certification courses at the Harlingen campus this fall, including Fiber Optics – Broadband Technician, NCCER Basic Rigger, Phlebotomy Technician, and Remote Drone Pilot. “The four programs we’re offering are short-term training that can lead to a high-paying job,”...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Professional Driving Academy recently updated its four-week, 160-hour commercial driver’s license (CDL) training in accordance with the newest federal mandate that took effect in spring 2024 to meet compliance as an accredited program for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Entry-Level Driver Training. The mandate is intended to...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College student Noe Garza is grateful for the advice that he received from a former TSTC student who motivated him to enroll at the college when Garza experienced homelessness after moving to Harlingen from California. “The guy I spoke to had positive things to say about TSTC and how...
By Amanda Sotelo (HARLINGEN, Texas) – The demand for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians is high and continues to grow as the number of residential and commercial sites increases. And Texas State Technical College is working diligently to meet industry demand and fill the jobs that are vacated as people retire. According to...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When the pandemic first struck and many businesses closed for safety purposes, a few graduates of Texas State Technical College’s Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technology program called TSTC instructor Keith Klix to let him know that their hours had been cut. “That lasted about a week or two,” he said,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Luis Garcia, of Harlingen, is a graduate of Texas State Technical College’s Business Management Technology program. Last year he achieved his dream of owning his own business by the time he turned 40 when Vivid Promotional and Branding Products opened. Garcia was born in Minnesota and moved to Harlingen with his family...
Jose Reyes, of Harlingen, grew up with a unique connection to electronics, from building basic electronic kits as a child with his father to observing the robotics club events at his former high school. Those interests in mechanical and electronic engineering led him to enroll at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, where he is...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Three representatives from Houston-based Centerline Manufacturing recently visited Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County, meeting with Precision Machining Technology faculty and students — as well as TSTC Career Services representatives. “Here it’s not just teaching — it’s really like production,” TSTC Precision Machining Technology instructor Deogratias Nizigiyimana told the...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College has scheduled several Workforce Training and Continuing Education classes for the spring semester. Cindy Brunett, TSTC’s executive director of Workforce Training and Continuing Education, said the classes will offer students the opportunity to enter the workforce quickly. “We are excited to be providing these opportunities to residents of...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Wind Energy Technology students know that safety is a top priority. During the program, they hear daily about safety precautions. However, one aspect that students learn outside of the lab is what to do if someone is having a medical emergency. The training by Joni Coons, leadership coach...
(WACO, Texas) – William Graham, of Teague, began teaching in October 2022 in Texas State Technical College’s Auto Collision and Management Technology program at the Waco campus. Graham is a graduate of Teague High School and TSTC’s Auto Collision and Management Technology program. Recently Graham talked about his new role and what he hopes students...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Two Texas State Technical College Web Design and Development students from the North Texas campus, Dave McMillan and Michael Clesh, recently reflected on their experiences last month at the 59th annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. McMillan and Clesh competed as a team in the Upper Web...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – 1988 was a good year for Arturo Martinez. That was when he earned his associate degree in Electronics Technology at Texas State Technical Institute, now Texas State Technical College. Since then, Martinez has gone on to enjoy a 25-year career at Qorvo, a semiconductor manufacturer, at the company’s location in Richardson, Texas....
(WACO, Texas) – Several career and technical education counselors and teachers from throughout Texas learned about technical programs at Texas State Technical College’s second annual TECHcelerate conference held June 10-11 and 13-14. The conference’s purpose was to show how TSTC fits into building a strong Texas workforce. “I hope they take back basically to the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) -It all started with a Home Improvement 1-2-3 book for Kristen Perales, who was among a group of 40 students who graduated Friday from TSTC’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Construction level 1 course. “My family was spending a lot of money doing simple repairs...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Not all heroes wear capes, but some do arrive in big red fire trucks. Three Brownwood firefighters, Ron Groom, John Hendrix and Justin Prince, volunteered to further their education and attend the Texas State Technical College Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program in Brownwood to become paramedics. It almost requires superhuman strength for...
David Peña is an Engineering major at Texas State Technical College. He expects to graduate this semester with an associate degree. The 22-year-old, who also works as a work-study employee as a mentor with the TSTC Office of Student Success, said he is excited about his future and happy that he’s been able to grow...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Students who pursue industrial maintenance careers play a critical role in keeping their workplaces operational. “I feel like a student that will do well will be curious in nature and want to learn,” said John Walker, an instructor in Texas State Technical College in North Texas’ Industrial Maintenance program. Walker said...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Miguel Gutierrez of Burleson is fascinated by Volvos and engine overhauling. The Texas State Technical College student has combined his interests through hands-on training and getting a job in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Gutierrez is a candidate for graduation with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Diesel Equipment Technology-Heavy Truck...
(WACO, Texas) – The last few weeks have been busy for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology program at Texas State Technical College. David Brannen, the program’s lead instructor, said several companies have visited the campus to recruit HVAC students for jobs. Brannen is happy about this because the program has a very high...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Two years ago when Hurricane Harvey devastated the Gulf Coast, Texas State Technical College student Nolen Maraman and his family lost their home to flooding, forcing them to start over, yet through it all he also found a new career. “We had to evacuate north, in the middle of the storm,” said...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – From serving his country overseas to serving his local community, Texas State Technical College student James Phillips III has dedicated his life to helping others. Phillips, a Big Spring native, is an Army veteran and a Vocational Nursing student at TSTC. He recently competed at the state-level SkillsUSA Postsecondary Leadership and Skills...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Texas State Technical College recently partnered with local first responders to host Stop the Bleed training for students, faculty and staff at its campuses in Abilene and Sweetwater. Stop the Bleed is a national campaign initiated by the National Security Council to better prepare the public to save lives and raise awareness...
(HARLINGEN) – Blueprint reading, coding and design is what Texas State Technical College students Eduardo Ortiz and Gabriel Flores have been focused on in preparation for the upcoming SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. SkillsUSA is a professional organization teaching technical, academic and employability skills that help high school and college students pursue successful careers....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Spring 2019 Dental Hygiene class at Texas State Technical College has made the college proud by earning not one, but two, 100 percent pass rates on their national board and clinical exams. “This is something very difficult to do,” said Victoria Martin, TSTC Dental Hygiene instructor. “The boards are a challenging...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Computer Programming Technology is being introduced at Texas State Technical College Fall 2019 and is already accepting new students. Computer programming is the process of creating instructions that a computer can carry out. Programmers use coding languages to write and test code that allow a computer to function properly, and they write...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College in Abilene will offer a new program of study starting this fall: Computer Programming Technology. Students who successfully complete the five-semester program will earn an Associate of Applied Science degree. “We brought the CPT course to Abilene because industries are moving forward to digital and electronic-based needs. This...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Ruben Ramirez was only 17-years-old when he began his career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and since then his passion for the field and training newer generations of EMS technicians and paramedics has only grown, leading him to Texas State Technical College. The Harlingen native is a coordinator and instructor for TSTC’s...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Edreich Torres grew up in Georgetown taking broken items and putting them back together. “I believe that my love for knowing how things work and wanting to fix them has always driven me to pursue the next big challenge that awaits me,” he said. Torres graduated in 2016 with an Associate of...
(WACO, Texas) – Today’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning technicians need to know more than basic electrical theory and refrigeration principles. As technology evolves, so does the need to be familiar with how smart technology is being used in HVAC systems. “It’s been around for quite a few years and keeps improving,” said Tim Snyder,...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Texas State Technical College will provide Brownwood High School students a chance to experience real-world training while earning college credit. The 3M Manufacturing and Academic Partnerships (MAP) program, which will begin in the fall of 2020, will allow students to study a career in manufacturing. The MAP partnership between TSTC, 3M and...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Today’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning technicians need to know more than basic electrical theory and refrigeration principles. As technology evolves, so does the need to be familiar with how smart technology is being used in HVAC systems. Jorge Cabrera, lead instructor in TSTC’s HVAC Technology program in Harlingen, said fifth-semester students...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking all had one thing in common: their love for physics. Two Texas State Technical College instructors enjoy exploring the complexities that physics has to offer while passing them along to TSTC students. Physics department chair Jose Alvarez began working at TSTC in 2011 and initially...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – D’Angelo Thomas of Longview made the commitment and stuck with it. Thomas chose to attend Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus because he wanted to do something different in his life. He previously worked in the oil and gas field and was a commercial truck driver before enrolling. He chose the Industrial...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Haley Howdeshell started taking Computer Programming Technology classes at Texas State Technical College only knowing the basics. Howdeshell is graduating this semester with an Associate of Applied Science degree. Even before receiving the degree, she has found a career opportunity at Funeral Directors Life in Abilene. “They have so many career paths...
(WACO, Texas) – Some students returned to Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus on Monday to a new way of conducting classes due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The students who returned will be taking intensive labs to complete the spring semester, which is projected to end May 29. The return to on-campus instruction is...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Motivated by a desire to serve his community, Justin Vasquez is currently nearing the end of his time as an Emergency Medical Services student at Texas State Technical College. The Harlingen native, who is set to graduate this semester, credits TSTC’s small class sizes as one of the main reasons he learned...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Students in the Automotive Technology program on the Texas State Technical College campus in Sweetwater listen when their instructors talk. Mike Myers and Gerod Strother use their different backgrounds to teach the students what to expect on the job. Myers worked in the automotive industry for more than three decades, while Strother...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Harold Mason Jr. has always been interested in computers. That interest led him to Texas State Technical College, where he received an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Networking and Systems Administration this spring. “I have been into computers since I was 11 years old,” said Mason, a native of Abilene....
(WACO, Texas) – Students in Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Construction program have an array of opportunities for work after graduation. TSTC offers an Electrical Construction certificate at the Waco campus. Students learn about basic electrical theory, electrical codes, safety regulations, wiring and other topics. “As your (TSTC’s) students are concerned, what gives them a...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Texas State Technical College graduate John Hendrix was happy to see the Emergency Medical Services program come to Brownwood. In 2016, Hendrix had the chance to build on his advanced certification when the EMS program began at the Brownwood campus. “The closest place a paramedic program was available was more than one...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The new coronavirus has impacted more than just social gatherings. In Texas, nearly 1.3 million people are unemployed because of the current pandemic, and that number continues to climb. To help Texans get back to work, Texas State Technical College is deploying the Rapid Industry Skills and Employability (RISE) program that will...
(BRECKENRIDGE, Texas) – Seven Breckenridge High School seniors will get a head start toward a nursing career this fall. A partnership between Texas State Technical College, Breckenridge ISD and the Breckenridge Economic Development Corp. was formed to provide Nursing program classes at TSTC’s Breckenridge campus. The students’ tuition for the four classes will be paid...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Cybersecurity program at the East Williamson County campus is shifting all teaching and labs online this fall. The prospect of reaching prospective students in the Austin area and beyond to teach them about computer systems forensics, digital forensics, routers and other topics is proving exciting to Joshua Schier,...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology program will use a hybrid teaching model this fall. But the instructor that students will see teaching online may not be from their home campus. The program’s faculty from the East Williamson County, Fort Bend County, Harlingen, North Texas and Waco campuses...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Architectural Design and Engineering Graphics Technology program has a new name and focus for the fall. The program will shift to an all-online format with virtual labs. Josh Stampley, a program instructor, said faculty will use TSTC’s Moodle platform and Microsoft Whiteboard for teaching and interacting with students....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Robotics, machining, and computing, oh my! Mechatronics Technology at Texas State Technical College offers an exciting degree path to an even more exciting career. Lead instructor Eldwin Leija discussed some of the program’s courses, as well as the characteristics that make studying mechatronics at TSTC technically better. What courses do you teach? I...
(WACO, Texas) – As doctors and nurses battle the COVID-19 pandemic, biomedical equipment technicians are alongside them keeping devices and machines functioning. CardioQuip in College Station has two Texas State Technical College alumni encountering the most serious work they have done so far in their careers. David De La Hoya is a training associate and...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Abilene’s Ashli Arispe wants to give people a second chance. That is why she attended Texas State Technical College’s Chemical Dependency Counseling program in Abilene. She is on track to graduate later this month with a certificate of completion from TSTC. “I think everyone deserves a second chance,” she said. “My nature...
(WACO, Texas) – Joshua Dickens grew up in Clifton and studied music at a two-year community college. “I still enjoy music,” he said. “But for me, now it’s something I enjoy doing with friends, with my family, that type of thing. It is not something I am trying to make money on in a career.”...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Students will be able to design more than buildings when they complete Texas State Technical College’s Drafting and Design program. Instructor Justin Price said students will have the skills to work in different industries, including the oil and gas industry. “Our graduates will be well rounded to go into the architectural field...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – State Sen. Dawn Buckingham, R-Lakeway, was able to see Texas State Technical College students in training during a visit to the Brownwood campus this week. Buckingham, who represents District 24 in the Texas Senate, competed with students in a CPR race designed to help students’ rhythm. At one point she led the...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Kyle Hudgins of Sulphur Springs is motivated by waking up every day to do something new. “I get ready to add to the knowledge I have already gained and get a better understanding of the work we do and how each component functions,” he said. Hudgins is pursuing an Associate of Applied...
(WACO, Texas) – Students from Texas State Technical College campuses across the state can take advantage of scholarship funds donated by energy company Phillips 66. The TSTC Foundation was recently awarded $50,000 from Phillips 66 to assist students with scholarships and student aid funds. “The Phillips 66 scholarship is an example of an ideal partnership...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Daniel Gainer, of Mason, has been building things his entire life. He found a love of working on different vehicles in his father’s shop at a young age. He is preparing to enter the workforce after he graduates from Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology program this fall. “I have had a...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For Texas State Technical College Business Management Technology instructor Cynthia Mata, the last three decades seem to have flown by. “It does not feel like 35 years,” she said. “I was between jobs, and my parents mentioned that I should apply at TSTC. I started as an instructor in the Business Skills...
(WACO, Texas) – Graduates of Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems program in Waco should know that work opportunities are out there when they graduate. “The program in Waco is designed to provide our students with a wide range of valuable skills, from basic machining to boiler maintenance and even programmable logic controllers, which are...
(WACO, Texas) – As the old saying goes, “Everything’s bigger in Texas.” That can also include solar farms. Invenergy, a worldwide private sustainable energy company, plans to build what it claims will be the largest solar farm in the United States. The 1,310-megawatt Samson Solar Energy Center facility will be located in Northeast Texas and...
(RED OAK, Texas) – While people pursuing the heating and air conditioning industry need to know how electricity and refrigeration flows work and how a meter functions, interpersonal skills are just as important to have. Texas State Technical College’s Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology program has a statewide advisory board made of industry professionals...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Welding Technology instructor Mark Casares has a passion for welding, and he is grateful that he gets to bring his knowledge into the classroom with each passing semester. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, welding occupations are expected to grow continuously through 2029. TSTC’s Welding Technology...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Students in Texas State Technical College’s Aircraft Airframe Technology program are back in the hangar. Students studying for a certificate in the program began their second semester in January and are ready to learn more about the inner workings of an aircraft. “This semester, so far, has been really good for me,”...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Joseph Fredericks, of Ballinger, admits that he is learning more than he expected in Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology program. Fredericks, a second-semester automotive student, is already setting his sights on furthering his education at TSTC. He is currently studying for a basic automotive certificate and plans to earn an automotive...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program teaches students the skills they need to walk into any company that hires precision machinists and begin work. “If it’s man-made, we (machinists) made some or all of it in the process of its production,” said Darren Block, statewide lead instructor for TSTC’s...
(ABILENE, Texas) – The need for substance abuse, behavioral disorder and mental health counselors is expected to grow over the next decade. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 26 percent increase in the number of counselors needed in Texas by 2028, and Texas State Technical College is helping to train counselors to fill...
Adilene Camarena has applied culinary knowledge to business (WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Culinary Arts graduate Adilene Camarena launched her Waco bakery, Around the World, in April 2020, with high hopes, fierce determination and a generous helping of optimism. The bakery is at Union Hall in downtown Waco. One year later, the Hillsboro...
(WACO, Texas) – Zachary Muth is planning to continue his education in the fall. Muth, who graduated from Texas State Technical College’s Diesel Equipment Technology program last month, wants to add an occupational skills award in welding to his associate degree. “I plan to return this fall because the more skills I have, the better...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Balancing a full-time job, family and school is nothing new to Alfred Rodriguez. The 2020 Texas State Technical College graduate is back in the labs, studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Industrial Systems. Rodriguez previously earned a certificate in Diesel Equipment Technology from TSTC, but he wanted to add...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Working in the industrial systems field does not just involve manufacturing. Jarriet Durham, lead instructor in Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems – Electrical Specialization program in North Texas, said graduates’ skills are also needed in the oil and gas and alternative energy fields. Workers can also go into electrical distribution...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Aron Guajardo grew up in Donna, Texas, and is a graduate of the South Texas High School for Health Professions in Mercedes. He also has an Associate of Applied Science degree in Mechatronics Technology from Texas State Technical College in Harlingen. Guajardo has a maintenance position at PVC pipe manufacturer JM Eagle...
(WACO, Texas) – This was a visit several decades in the making for Dr. Charles P. Fletcher, of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Fletcher, 95, visited the airport at Texas State Technical College in Waco during the recent Father’s Day weekend while traveling with his family. The land the college is on was once Waco Army Air...
Lineworker students learned about local opportunities in field (HARLINGEN, Texas) – Electrical lineworkers must respond to power outages in all weather and conditions — especially when the lights go out because of the elements. As if to illustrate this point, rain poured down from above during a Tuesday visit by three staff members from the...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – The 10 letters that make up the word “automation” carry a lot of weight in how we work now and will in the future. Automation is the ability to transform raw material into a finished product with very little human interaction, said Douglas Clark, lead instructor in TSTC’s Automation and Controls Technology...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College is hosting a group of engineering students from Texas A&M University in College Station who are taking classes this summer in Waco. The students are taking nine weeks of courses focusing on AC and DC circuits and basic programmable logic controllers. The classes are being taught by TSTC’s...
(WACO, Texas) – Interstates and highways are busier compared to a year ago, and that means maintenance on vehicles will increase. Texas State Technical College helps automotive shops around the state fill the need for service technicians. According to, 60,440 technicians were employed in Texas in 2018. The need is forecast to increase 8%...
Cybersecurity is latest TSTC degree for Ed Brown (HARLINGEN, Texas) – After an Air Force career spanning 50 years, Ed Brown has been spending his retirement learning new skills. “I’ve always been a student all my life,” he said. “I’ve earned 10 college degrees. I like going back to college.” Three of those degrees have...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – What does a group of employees at law offices, restaurant chains, retail giants, insurance providers, school districts and banks have in common? They are all recent alumni who graduated from Texas State Technical College’s Cybersecurity program — and that is not counting individuals who have positions at information technology and security-centric companies....
Networking students are most successful when they like to solve problems and tinker (HARLINGEN, Texas) – Imagine that you are driving along the road in your car on your way to a shopping trip at the mall. The road is the infrastructure that allows you and your car — the data — to flow to...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Night owls who are good at math and excited about programming and technology are needed to fill machining jobs in East Texas. “Some companies are just looking for a well-rounded individual to work for them,” said Danny Nixon, lead instructor in Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program in Marshall. “One...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Technology in vehicles changes often. To keep up with new technology, Texas State Technical College Automotive Technology students have a new vehicle to work on during lab sessions in Sweetwater. The college recently purchased a 2018 Dodge Charger through Performance-Based Education funds for students to learn the newer technology. “There is a...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline made headlines earlier this year as the East Coast suffered a gas shortage, it was simply the latest and most visible example of an ongoing threat posed by hackers. Other incidents have compromised the personal information and accounts of many, causing our nation’s leaders to...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Many Rio Grande Valley high schoolers are taking advantage of Texas State Technical College’s dual enrollment program this school year. TSTC has active dual enrollment partnerships for the 2021-22 school year with Brownsville ISD, Harlingen CISD, La Feria ISD, Los Fresnos CISD, Lyford CISD, Mercedes ISD, Raymondville ISD, Rio Hondo ISD and...
(ABILENE, Texas) – A new wave of computer technicians is learning to keep the world connected at Texas State Technical College. Adrian Medrano, a Computer Networking and Systems Administration instructor, said the program’s goal is to produce a graduate who is knowledgeable in all areas of information technology. “We do not focus on one area,...
Precision machinist students gain experience on relevant equipment (ROSENBERG, Texas) – You may understand what goes into manufacturing a car or an airplane, but do you know how the machines to make those vehicles are manufactured themselves? That is the role of a precision machinist. “We make all the mechanics to put your vehicles together,”...
(WACO, Texas) – Alissa Foss grew up in Central Texas and is a graduate of Texas State Technical College’s Visual Communication Technology program in Waco. She is a graphic designer at National Sign Plazas in Cedar Park. What inspired you to study Visual Communication Technology at TSTC? I have always loved art and drawing but...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Anali Cantu, who is a student at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus, is pursuing an online associate degree in Education and Training. She is employed as a work-study with TSTC’s Advocacy and Resource Center and is committed to their “culture of caring” approach. She, like other students at the technical college,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – What do well-known companies such as American Electric Power, National Oilwell Varco, Schlumberger and Toyota have in common? Each has hired a graduate from the Mechatronics Technology program at Texas State Technical College. The term mechatronics combines “mecha” for mechanical and “tronics” for electronics. TSTC’s Mechatronics Technology program combines basic skills in...
(WACO, Texas) – This fall at Texas State Technical College, there are four female students taking the Automotive Plastic and Sheet Molded Compound Repair class. This makes Kayla Walsh, a first-semester student in the Auto Collision and Management Technology program from Arvada, Colorado, very happy. “Females are more detail-oriented,” she said. “It’s breaking that barrier.”...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Keaton O’Neal grew up in Palmer in Ellis County and has an Associate of Applied Science degree in Cybersecurity from Texas State Technical College. The Waxahachie resident is a system support specialist at the Waxahachie Independent School District. What got you interested in studying cybersecurity? I got interested in cybersecurity like...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – After 12 years of serving in the U.S. Army, Hollis Manis has plans to open his own automotive shop in his hometown. Manis, of San Angelo, said studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology at Texas State Technical College is the first step of his goal. “I have...
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Robotics Technology program is on the move. The program is slowly relocating from its longtime campus location in the Electronics Center into space being remodeled in the Dr. Roy G. Dugger Center, which is next door. The move is scheduled to be complete by the end of the...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Joel Burnside set a goal when he enrolled in Texas State Technical College’s Welding Technology program. Studying for a certificate of completion, Burnside wants to spend his time at TSTC learning all he can from the instructors in order to get into the field of welding. “I know that I am only...
Staying relevant with technology helps precision machining students become more marketable (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Many people recognize the feeling of starting a new job and not knowing what to do. In spite of previous experience and education, training is still required upon hiring. Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program is looking to reduce...
TSTC partners with Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners for testing (AUSTIN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College, the leader in technical education, and the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE) have joined forces to provide a greater and more efficient method of administering exams for Texas plumbers. Last February’s winter storm had devastating...
(WACO, Texas) – As Texans prepare to beat the fall chill, their heating units could use some attention from qualified technicians. Texas State Technical College’s Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology program and the Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of Texas in Austin have ways for consumers to save time and effort in having...
(WACO, Texas) – Brayan Plascencia, of Crowley, is an Automotive Technology student at Texas State Technical College. He is scheduled to graduate in December with a certificate of completion in Automotive Technician and continue on toward an Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology at the Waco campus. He commutes to and from classes...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Robert Olivares wanted to know more about automobiles. Before he enrolled as a Texas State Technical College Automotive Technology student, he already knew how to fix a tire and change the oil. But it was knowing about the inner workings of vehicles that Olivares craved. “In high school, I took a class...
Around 300 welding students participate in event (ROSENBERG, Texas) – When Jose Perez Jr. was in high school, he competed in welding competitions like the Texas High School Welding Series event hosted Friday, Oct. 29, at Texas State Technical College. During his senior year, Perez even met TSTC lead welding instructor Jerroll Hodge at an...
Craig Warnasch has worked in HVAC industry since age of 16 (ROSENBERG, Texas) – When he was 16 years old, Craig Warnasch got summer employment at a heating and air conditioning company to appease his parents — who told him he needed to “stop farming and get a job.” He was actually gaining his first...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Claudia Reyes, of Harlingen, is a 2019 graduate of Texas State Technical College’s Computer Networking and Security Technology (now Computer Networking and Systems Administration) program. An admiration of working with computers, analyzing crime documentaries and advocating against cyberbullying led her to return to TSTC to pursue an advanced technical certificate in Digital...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – David Cardenas is a former member of the United States Navy. He enrolled in the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus with the goal of someday launching a business with his brother, Armando, who is also a student in the program. David Cardenas is...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology students learned one thing from February’s winter storm. The students learned to have their vehicle prepared for an ice storm and a lengthy period of not driving it. Recently several of the students shared some of the vehicle winterization tips they have gleaned from their time...
Cybersecurity can be at risk if users are not aware of possible threats (ROSENBERG, Texas) – If you have an unbelievable Cyber Monday deal in your email inbox, do a little research before committing to the purchase. “If it feels too good to be true, it probably is,” warned Texas State Technical College Cybersecurity instructor...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College student Simon Mendoza has found a calling through TSTC’s Electrical Lineworker Technology program. As he pursues an Associate of Applied Science degree — he expects to complete it by next summer — Mendoza looks forward to a future career where he can find fulfillment. “I’ve had jobs where...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Jose Villarreal, of Pharr, became interested in automotive vehicles at the age of 7 when he assisted his grandfather in the family’s garage. That mechanical knowledge intrigued him and became a deciding factor that led him to enroll at Texas State Technical College’s campus in Harlingen. He is now pursuing a certificate...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Austin Barnhart has set a goal for his life. The Brownwood native is studying Welding Technology at Texas State Technical College with a purpose. He wants to help others, as well as his younger brother. Barnhart suffered from Chiari I malformation, a brain disorder, after discovering that he could not feel the...
(WACO, Texas) – They share a name, a certificate of completion and a devotion to diesel work. And they are both candidates for graduation at Texas State Technical College. Cameron Bourgeois, of Bourne, and Cameron Wheeler, of China Spring, are scheduled to receive certificates of completion in Diesel Equipment Technology – Heavy Truck at TSTC’s...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Spending six hours a day in Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology lab helped five candidates for graduation form a bond and learn the value of teamwork. Joseph Fredericks, Brady Kennemur, David Lopez-Cortez, Patrick Rodriguez and Tanner Tankersley agreed that their time in the lab taught them more than just skills they...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Helena “Lani” Orr does not look like a typical electrical technician. But once she earns her Associate of Applied Science degree in Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Power and Controls program, she hopes she can help change that — particularly since the industry resonates with her and comes with an added bonus...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – In our increasingly connected world, headline-grabbing cyberattacks are becoming more frequent — especially when they wreak havoc on things like the supply chain, paychecks and access to online services. One type of attack in particular has caused headaches worldwide. “Of cyberattacks, ransomware is probably the nastiest of them all,” said Texas State...
Exciting changes and new opportunities are on the horizon through the Advocacy and Resource Center at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus this semester. TSTC’s Advocacy and Resource Center will host a grand opening for its new center Feb. 2. “One of the biggest projects we are excited for is remodeling and expanding our Advocacy...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Anyone can dream up an idea, but it takes manufacturing to bring that dream to life. “Without manufacturing, nothing gets made,” said Matt Sykora, a representative for Haas Automation. Such a crucial facet of the economy requires highly trained workers, which Texas State Technical College works to provide with its Precision Machining...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Occupational safety and environmental compliance jobs are already challenging and in demand, particularly in industry-heavy Houston. However, COVID-19 has added new hurdles for professionals on both the occupational and the environmental sides of the industry. “It’s actually pretty chaotic,” said Andrea Skinner-Creeks, a Texas State Technical College Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance...
The Automotive Technology program at Texas State Technical College is improving its educational resources with two new online manufacturer-specific trainings: Toyota Technician Education College Support (TECS) and the Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP). The TECS program will offer students e-learning modules with an online library of repair and training information. These resources will qualify a...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – After putting an engine in a 1984 Chevrolet pickup truck, Tate Potter knew he was destined to work on vehicles. Potter said he felt a sense of accomplishment when he completed the job and began preparing his career. He is working to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology...
(WACO, Texas) – A ribbon-cutting held Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus marked the opening of a high-tech testing facility for licensing by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE). TSTC, the state’s leader in technical education, and TSBPE have joined forces to provide a greater and more efficient method...
Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus has produced many aircraft technicians who are skilled at diagnosing and resolving a plane’s mechanical or electrical problems. Those technicians include four TSTC alumni who have made a direct impact on the local aviation industry at Sun Valley Aviation Inc. Sun Valley Aviation is a fixed-based operator in Harlingen...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – In today’s online world, it is often safer to assume that passwords will be compromised. “Breaches happen all the time,” said Tim Janssen, a Texas State Technical College Cybersecurity instructor. “We like simplicity, and simplicity makes it easy for hackers. Some companies understand that passwords could be the weakest link of security.”...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When he earned his degree in December 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic nearly derailed Texas State Technical College Precision Machining Technology graduate Andrew Butschek’s plans for his career. But a few months — and a quick refresher course from a TSTC machining instructor — later, the Katy resident got hired and started succeeding...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumna Kari Alonso, of Brownsville, recalled her childhood memories of observing her father work on auto body repair projects outside their home. Little did she realize that would steer her toward a prosperous career in manufacturing. She grew a keen interest in the medical field after graduating from...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – There is a growing need for qualified automotive technicians in Texas. Many dealerships and automotive repair shops turn to Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology graduates to fill the need for mechanics. According to, Texas has more than 60,000 automotive service technicians and mechanics employed around the state, and that number...
(WACO, Texas) – Isaiah Carter has a passion for barbecuing brisket and ribs. Carter, a senior at the Connally Independent School District’s Connally Career Tech Early College High School, is learning the proper methods to slice, bake and boil as he earns college credit hours. He is doing this by taking dual enrollment classes in...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Antonio Ramirez wants to work at a bigger company. Jacob Ramirez wants a good job. And one day, Eujenio Rojo wants to own his own business. All three are hoping to put their dreams to work after earning their Associate of Applied Science degrees in HVAC Technology at Texas State Technical College....
(HUTTO, Texas) – Valerie Robin, of Austin, grew up learning from her father how to do basic work on cars. Now she is blazing her own path in Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program at the East Williamson County campus. Robin is the lone female in the program, working toward an associate degree...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Myles Christie was taking pictures at an Abilene event when he learned what was inside a hangar at the Abilene Regional Airport. After his discovery, Christie, who was born in Jamaica and has lived in Abilene for the past nine years, thought that an aviation career could be in his future. He...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Mario Granados’ dream job involves manufacturing his own firearms, something the veteran has been interested in since he transitioned from the U.S. Army. The Missouri City resident is already closer to realizing that dream through working at Stafford-based Radical Firearms and training in Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program. How...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – For three high school seniors, a few hours in Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology lab give them each a sense of pride and accomplishment. Sweetwater High School seniors Ely Barrera and Jacob Rosas, along with Colorado High School senior Richard Martin, plan to continue their journey in college after completing the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumnus and current student Alfonso Juarez, of Weslaco, was captivated at an early age by how things work. He could not have dreamed that one day he would have a job with aerospace manufacturer SpaceX. “I was very curious how things worked mechanically,” he said. “I was that...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Melissa Castro, of Mercedes, grew an interest in the automotive industry with motivation from her uncle, who was a mechanic. His approach for resolving automotive issues impressed her. After her uncle’s death, the hardworking mother of four desired more for her family. Now she is pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Rachel Wood-Rush has always been around vehicles. “I have been helping my father work on cars since I was eight,” she said. “I am the grease monkey of all my sisters. I have been my father’s go-to person when it comes to cars.” It is only natural that Wood-Rush, of Stephenville, would...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For one Texas State Technical College alumnus, the need for a career change from automotive technology to cybersecurity happened almost overnight. Mario Graciani, of Raymondville, earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology from TSTC in 2002. He then was hired as a diesel mechanic for a San Benito construction...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Cybersecurity program is training students to seize opportunities in the growing field. Even with historic female contributions in information technology, there is still room for more women in the male-dominated field. Cybersecurity instructors Norma Colunga-Hernandez, Amy Hertel, Jan Nesmith and Carol Scheler, who share decades of teaching experience...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – It only took one stop during a tour of Texas State Technical College’s Sweetwater campus for Noemy Diaz to realize that she had found her career. After seeing the Welding Technology lab and hearing what she could learn from instructor Taylor Elston, Diaz was captivated. She is now studying for a certificate...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Although the cybersecurity field is still dominated by male workers, two female graduates from Texas State Technical College are finding their place in the data security and tech world. Claudia Reyes, of Harlingen, has always been interested in computers. “Even now, if it has buttons on it, I want to push them,”...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Two female Cybersecurity students at Texas State Technical College are using their training in the program as a means for change — and advancement — in their careers and lives. Michele Reynolds, of Waco, anticipates that she will graduate this month, but this is not her first degree from TSTC. She previously...
Hands-on HVAC training has boosted Chalhoub’s experience (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Gus Chalhoub is no stranger to a career change. He first set his heart on becoming a nurse. But when the birth of his twins — and the stress of caring for his toddler — closed the door on that path, Chalhoub instead decided to...
Students who are mothers face challenges TSTC’s Advocacy and Resource Centers can help address (ROSENBERG, Texas) – In Texas, the average annual cost of infant care is $9,324, according to the Economic Policy Institute. With the price of other necessities also on the rise, Texas State Technical College’s Advocacy and Resource Centers (ARCs) at campuses...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – There are many life lessons that a father can teach his son. For Jesse Carrizales, some of those lessons included instruction about the use of firearms. “My father educated me about the importance of hunting to provide a meal for the family,” he said. “The other was how to ensure your family’s...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Systems program is a powerful tool for anyone looking for a high-demand, great-paying career across countless industries. “We fix very complicated pieces of equipment when they break,” said TSTC Industrial Systems lead instructor Brian Weakley. “We’re not focused on any one industry because the skills learned here...
(ABILENE, Texas) – For two Texas State Technical College aviation students, the past is their future. Colby Northcutt and Matthew Voss, both of Abilene, want to follow the example of Nelson Ezell, founder of Ezell Aviation in Breckenridge. Ezell had a passion for preserving and maintaining World War II-era aircraft. In honor of her late...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Registration for two workforce training programs at Texas State Technical College’s Brownwood campus is still open. TSTC will offer Electrical Systems and Electrical Motor Control courses, which are part of the Industrial Systems training program. The Electrical Systems course will be taught June 6-10, while the Electric Motor Control course will be...
Hunter is leveraging skills from TSTC’s Diesel Equipment program in a new job at Bobcat (ROSENBERG, Texas) – Hunter Rees had been working in an animal clinic for five years and taking classes like organic chemistry and biology at a big university before he realized that becoming a veterinarian was not for him. A professor...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Years ago, many motorists used a clutch to shift gears in their automobiles. With technology growing in the automotive industry, drivers moved away from a manual transmission vehicle. But at Texas State Technical College, Automotive Technology students recently spent one day learning how to take apart a manual transmission in order to...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Among the life-changing decisions that Texas State Technical College alumna Dora Vasquez has been satisfied with was her choice to transition from being a call center supervisor to enrolling in the Mechatronics Technology program at TSTC’s Harlingen campus. Vasquez, a former Harlingen resident who now resides in McKinney, earned an Associate of...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When two Waukesha-Pearce Industries representatives recently visited Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County, connecting with current TSTC Diesel Equipment Technology students was just one facet of the company’s relationship with the college. “It’s for us to get the name out,” Cris Perez, Waukesha-Pearce Industries regional operations manager, said of...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – When Alexandra Santos used to drive a truck for J.B. Hunt back in 2017, a brewing company’s account routed her deliveries to the Silver Eagle Distributors location in Rosenberg. Now the Texas State Technical College Diesel Equipment Technology student is working as a diesel mechanic apprentice at Silver Eagle — a position...
(WACO, Texas) – As hot weather settles in, be sure to give your air conditioning system a big hug. Sunday, July 3, is Air Conditioning Appreciation Day. And there is no better time to make sure that cooling systems are operating at their best. Texas State Technical College’s HVAC Technology program and the Better Business...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Representatives from Fairbanks Morse Defense recently visited Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County to connect with more than 30 students from TSTC’s Diesel Equipment Technology, Electrical Power and Controls, and Industrial Systems programs. “Our objective for being here today is to tell you about our company, opportunities, our growth...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – As the health care field introduces the latest advancements in medical technologies, Texas State Technical College implements similar resources to prepare its students for real-world careers. The Surgical Technology program at TSTC’s Harlingen campus recently introduced a new PeriopSim surgical simulator to be used by students during lab sessions. The software was...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Irving Velasquez wanted to expand on the automotive knowledge that he gained from his father. After learning that Texas State Technical College offers Automotive Technology, Velasquez knew it would be the best place to grow as a mechanic. He is studying for an automotive technician certificate at TSTC, with plans to open...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Sparks sprayed and popped in the Welding Technology lab at Texas State Technical College’s campus in Fort Bend County. Texas state Rep. Jacey Jetton (R-Richmond) was applying what he learned from TSTC Welding Technology instructor Alex Deibert in a hands-on lesson. Jetton grinned as he raised his welding helmet to check out...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Artistry. A passion for perfection. The ability to restore a damaged vehicle to showroom condition. All are sought-after attributes found in the best automotive refinishers. And Texas State Technical College student Edrick Cuevas wants to be one of the best. The Port Isabel resident possesses an impressive talent for automotive refinishing that...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The 2022 summer session at Texas State Technical College has been rewarding for three Texas A&M University engineering seniors who are receiving hands-on training at TSTC. Hector Guzman, Eric Martin and Jesus Perez are enrolled in the Mechatronics Technology program at TSTC’s Harlingen campus through their university’s Bachelor’s+ Program, a professional education...
(WACO, Texas) – Jacob Pevia hears about it when he visits auto collision and repair shops of all sizes in Texas: more workers are needed. Pevia, an instructor in Texas State Technical College’s Auto Collision and Management Technology program in Waco, is also a part-time instructor for the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair. Part...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Jake Franklin has learned he will be able to do more than work on a truck after completing Texas State Technical College’s Diesel Equipment Technology program. Franklin, of Snyder, began studying for a Diesel Equipment Technology – Heavy Truck certificate of completion this summer. He has found that there are ample job...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Taylor Marze attended a four-year university for architecture, but his disappointment in the program led him to obtain a bachelor’s degree in 3D-focused art instead. The journey took him down a path of procedure, logic and creativity that eventually led to Texas State Technical College, where he is currently a Precision Machining...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College has produced many skilled workers that instill an integrity into their work ethic, such as those in the HVAC Technology program. TSTC alumnus Mathew Mendoza is representative of that effort. He earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in HVAC Technology from TSTC’s Harlingen campus in May. He...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Great things are happening at Texas State Technical College, and the Precision Machining Technology program at TSTC’s Harlingen campus will incorporate some of the latest equipment into its curriculum for the fall 2022 semester. A new Haas UMC-500 computer numerical control (CNC) 5-axis machine, and two new lathe mechanisms, will be utilized...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Many automobile aficionados who have a passion for the automotive industry set out to achieve a dream of establishing their own automotive mechanic shop. That is the commitment of Jesus Manrique-Garcia, a first-semester Automotive Technology student pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree at Texas State Technical College. Manrique-Garcia developed an interest...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Jennifer Cable likes puzzles. It is only natural that she sees a diesel engine as one big puzzle. Cable is looking to make solving puzzles a career with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Diesel Equipment Technology at Texas State Technical College. The Abilene native is scheduled to graduate from the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – In schools, offices and businesses around the world, whenever anything computer-related goes haywire, it is the IT — information technology — professional who often comes to the rescue. In observance of National IT Professionals Day on Sept. 20, Texas State Technical College recognizes two of its IT professionals, Armando Hernandez and Justin...
(WACO, Texas) – A high school speech class assignment was what convinced Chance Mulanax, of Fort Worth, to attend Texas State Technical College. The project involved researching and talking about a college of his choice. Mulanax chose TSTC for his subject, and ultimately he decided that the Waco campus was the place to be. After...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Jacob Vigil has always been mechanically inclined. While working full time at The Auto Clinic in Snyder, Vigil is broadening his skills by studying Diesel Equipment Technology at Texas State Technical College. He hopes that his certificate of completion specialization in Heavy Truck will lead to more career opportunities. Vigil spent his...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Student Recruitment department recently held its first in-person Counselor Update after holding them virtually for two years due to the pandemic. Counselors from area secondary schools had the opportunity to visit with TSTC instructors and administrators, as well as TSTC industry partners who talked about their workforce needs....
(WACO, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Mopar Career Automotive Program at the Waco campus will accept students for the first time for the spring semester. Students who apply to TSTC must apply separately to the program, which includes an interview with a faculty member in the Automotive Technology program. Matthew Mills, an instructor in...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – It takes a talented individual to elevate art and design to the next level, such as in digital architecture. For one student at Texas State Technical College, he is well on his way. Charles Hervey, of San Benito, is a first-semester Drafting and Design student at TSTC’s Harlingen campus, where he is...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Sunstate Equipment recently gave three pieces of equipment to The TSTC Foundation for Texas State Technical College’s Diesel Equipment Technology program at the Marshall campus. The equipment rental agency, which has 20 locations in Texas, gave an SVL97-2 Kubota track-type skid steer, a SkyJack scissor lift, and a power shift transmission with...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – In a recruiting effort to identify potential qualified employees for Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas, company representatives recently visited the Mechatronics Technology program at Texas State Technical College. Students who had already completed a written assessment by the company were given a hands-on test in the areas of mechanical drives, motor controls/electrical wiring,...
(WACO, Texas) – Tony Montoya, of Axtell, is an instructor in the Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. He is a graduate of La Vega High School and McLennan Community College. Recently Montoya talked about TSTC’s Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology program and the job outlook for its graduates. ...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Technological advances such as the launching of the World Wide Web and creation of Internet Explorer and JavaScript years ago sparked the imagination of a young Juan D. Hernandez and later would influence his decision to enroll in the Cybersecurity program at Texas State Technical College. The former U.S. Marine and current...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Finding the right person to work for his company is important to Mike McHugh, plant manager of the Buzzi Unicem USA plant in Maryneal. During a recent employer spotlight, he told some Texas State Technical College Diesel Equipment Technology students of the many opportunities available at the plant and how the company...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Hannah Whitehead admits that she needed to slow down her life. Balancing motherhood and working at T&B Mechanical in Baird, Whitehead decided to drop out of engineering school. She wanted to return to a program that offered more of a hands-on approach to learning. Researching her options, Whitehead found Texas State Technical...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Bryce Block is taking the skills he is learning in Texas State Technical College’s Automotive Technology program home with him on weekends. Block, of Wall, is working to restore a Chevrolet Camaro while studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree at TSTC. He said he enjoys learning the new skills in...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College is unique out of the two-year colleges across the state. With greater hands-on learning opportunities and a more affordable cost of attendance, students graduate better prepared for the workforce. The Diesel Equipment Technology program at TSTC’s Fort Bend County campus is designed to help students understand not only...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College offers a chance for military veterans to utilize their benefits to grow their passion. Such is the case for Davis Rios. Rios is a first-semester student at TSTC. He served in the military and is now looking to expand his education through the college’s Diesel Equipment Technology program....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Attending Texas State Technical College has helped many students achieve their goals for their careers and lives. Alyssa Valdez is hoping the same can be said for her once she graduates from TSTC with her heavy truck specialization associate degree in Diesel Equipment Technology. Valdez is a third-semester student. Originally from Granbury,...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Nate Slayton’s fascination with engines led him to Texas State Technical College. Slayton, of Coleman, is studying for a certificate of completion in Diesel Equipment Technology with a heavy truck specialization in hopes of working for a major trucking company. “I have always worked on old trucks because I was fascinated with...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a reminder that a child’s captivating smile reflects good oral health. And for a child to achieve healthy teeth, prevention of tooth decay is key — something that is stressed in the Dental Hygiene program at Texas State Technical College. “Teaching the proper brushing technique...
(HUTTO, Texas) – Cranes, bulldozers and other heavy equipment are becoming common sights right now in Hutto and Taylor. These are signs of economic growth, which means job opportunities for students at Texas State Technical College’s East Williamson County campus. “It provides more options for the student,” said Albert Martinez, an instructor in TSTC’s Industrial...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – Jose Garcia decided that he wanted to learn more about welding. He did not let his age, 47, stop him from enrolling in Welding Technology at Texas State Technical College. Now in his second semester studying for a certificate of completion in Structural Welding, Garcia is pleased that he made the choice...
(ABILENE, Texas) – While housebound and helping her husband with home improvement projects during the COVID-19 pandemic, longtime hospitality industry employee Elissa Atabala-Catherall picked up her first power tool. She decided it was time to begin a new career. Atabala-Catherall researched options involving an electrical career and discovered Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Power and...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A group of Mechatronics Technology students at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus recently heard about job opportunities at the new Samsung Austin Semiconductor production facility in Taylor. During the recruitment visit, representatives from Samsung Electronics discussed the company’s job outlook and work culture. Brian Reckart, master technician for Samsung Electronics, said...
(WACO, Texas) – Texans adore their air conditioning and heating systems, and they will do whatever is needed to ensure that they work properly. February is National Care About Your Indoor Air Month, a time to check ducts, filters and vents to make sure that there are no hindrances in generating air. Tim Snyder, lead...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – A paramedic often works side by side with firefighters to provide advanced medical support when helping a patient in a medical crisis. Texas State Technical College Emergency Medical Services alumnus Richard McLaughlin, who is a firefighter himself, has utilized his medical training to save people’s lives. “I used to live in Dallas...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Texas State Technical College alumnus Matt Delong recently discussed his path to TSTC and to his current success. Before enrolling in TSTC’s Diesel Equipment Technology program, Delong had been living in Pennsylvania and working in a job that he said he had come to dread. Due to an injury and to...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Precision machining has become a process more and more automated since its inception. With many industries needing vast amounts of specific parts, manual machining simply cannot keep up with the demand. As such, Texas State Technical College prepares students to face the modern challenges of the profession, training them to be the...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – A Texas State Technical College Electrical Lineworker and Management Technology alumnus recently returned to the college to give back as an instructor in the program. Brandon Dickerson graduated from TSTC’s Marshall campus and in September 2022 returned to become an instructor. He said one of the main reasons he wanted to teach...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Representatives from United Rentals presented information about their company to about 30 second-semester Diesel Equipment Technology students at Texas State Technical College on Monday, March 6. The representatives discussed internship and job opportunities and the need for people with the skills that the students are learning at TSTC. “We are looking...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Representatives from Dallas-based Texas Instruments visited with more than 30 students at Texas State Technical College’s Fort Bend County campus on Wednesday, March 8. Students in attendance were from a variety of programs, including Electrical Power and Controls, Industrial Systems and Robotics and Industrial Controls Technology. The representatives highlighted the benefits of...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Receiving well-trained electrical technicians is why POWER Engineers looks to hire Texas State Technical College graduates. Jeff Caraway, a senior project manager for the engineering and environmental consulting firm, recently told TSTC Electrical Power and Controls students about the many opportunities they can have after earning an Associate of Applied Science degree....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Mari Cruz Montoya was captivated by drawing, painting and sculpting at a young age. Little did she know that her creativity would lead to a degree from Texas State Technical College’s Drafting and Design program and eventually to a job at Cruz-Hogan Consultants, a civil engineering consulting firm. “In middle school, I...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Christian Gutierrez plans to continue the family business. Gutierrez, who is studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Diesel Equipment Technology at Texas State Technical College, wants to take the skills he learns with him to his father’s business. Sergio Gutierrez is the owner and operator of Cuate Trucking in...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Being able to help others was the goal for five Texas State Technical College Automotive Technology students at CarFest in San Antonio. Kohl Henry Clark, Juan Guerra, Richard Martin, Ryan Rogers and Alejandro Soto represented the Sweetwater campus during the annual event at the Freeman Coliseum Expo Hall earlier this month. San...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Jeremy Gaytan, who is studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Mechatronics Technology at Texas State Technical College in Harlingen, recently accepted an internship opportunity at Oncor Electric Delivery in Dallas that he will start in May. He had met some Oncor company representatives during a recent employer spotlight held...
(RED OAK, Texas) – The TSTC Foundation recently received a $10,000 donation from Holcim Inc. for the purchase of 13 toolkits to be used by the Industrial Systems program at Texas State Technical College’s North Texas campus. The toolkits will provide most of the tools that an entry-level technician would need, including wrench and screwdriver...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Gissela Hernandez Guzman recalled a time during her youth when her father had a successful automotive shop. His interest in repairing automobiles would be the first spark that would lead his daughter to an education at Texas State Technical College. “It made me want to learn more about the automotive field,” she...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Ninety-eight graduates are ready to enter the workforce after earning Associate of Applied Science degrees or certificates of completion from Texas State Technical College on Thursday, April 27. TSTC honored graduates from the Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood and Sweetwater campuses during the Spring Commencement at the Abilene Convention Center. Andy Weaver, provost of...
(WACO, Texas) – The process of making sure that students have jobs before they graduate from Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Power and Controls program begins as early as the first semester. Michael Cooper, a program instructor at TSTC’s Waco campus, said students entering the program typically enroll because they know someone who is in...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – When people think of Texas State Technical College’s Diesel Equipment Technology program, often the first thing that comes to mind is an image of big trucks on a highway. But some students are looking to take the skills they learn to a different industry. During a recent employer spotlight held at TSTC’s...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The dedicated faculty and staff at Texas State Technical College care deeply about student success, and Belinda Palomino is passionate about that “culture of caring” philosophy. She serves as the statewide lead for TSTC’s Advocacy and Resource Center, which at the Harlingen campus is located in the Student Center. She and her...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus celebrated Spring Commencement Friday, May 5, at Memorial City Hall. Twenty-two students received their Associate of Applied Science degrees, occupational skills achievement awards or certificates of completion. Barton Day, provost for TSTC’s Marshall campus, congratulated the graduates on their hard work and advised them to keep...
(WACO, Texas) – As the boundaries are pushed in manufacturing, it is critical to do so in a way that is mindful of the environment. Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program continues to look for sustainable ways to teach students. The program at the Waco campus has been working to be more sustainable...
(ABILENE, Texas) – With several industries calling West Texas home, environmental safety technicians are in high demand. To train these technicians, Texas State Technical College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree, certificates of completion, and an occupational skills achievement award in Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance. Two TSTC alumni in particular know that the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – There is an artistry that goes into the job of a machinist, and that caught the eye of Rene Garay Jr. Garay is studying for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Precision Machining Technology at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. Two years ago he was first introduced to machining by...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – DeMarcus Kelley knew he wanted to work on big trucks when he was older like his brother does. After hearing what his brother, D.J., learned while studying at Texas State Technical College, Kelley decided to follow a similar path. Now Kelley is studying for a certificate of completion in Diesel Equipment Technology...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – James Simonetti plans to use his knowledge and skills to mentor Texas State Technical College Electromechanical Technology students. An ordained pastor who felt that he was being called to teach, Simonetti recently was hired to be an instructor in the program. He will draw on his years of experience in a variety...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – “The Industrial Systems program used to be sold as a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ program. In reality, we are teaching people to be experts in all technical fields.” So said Brian Weakley, lead instructor for the Industrial Systems program at Texas State Technical College’s Fort Bend County campus. Weakley has been teaching the program for...
(ABILENE, Texas) – It was during one of three tours in Iraq that U.S. Army veteran Joshua Hulseman picked up a welding torch for the first time. Now he is working to make welding a second career by studying for a certificate of completion in Welding Technology at Texas State Technical College. “My only experience...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – When professional heating, ventilation and air conditioning services are requested by businesses, Javier Garcia and Carlos Ortega are ready to provide their skills. The two graduates of Texas State Technical College’s HVAC Technology program founded Apex Automation LLC in 2022. The company offers industrial and commercial automation that is used in such...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Her curious nature led Denice Acosta to the Wind Energy Technology program at Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus. A few years ago when she was an Agricultural Technology student at TSTC, Acosta accidently stumbled upon the back entrance of the campus’ Engineering Technology Center. “I immediately noticed high-tech equipment after I...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – With nearly every industry needing some form of machined part, gaining a degree in precision machining can lead to many open doors and high-paying careers. That is precisely what Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program is designed to help students achieve. The program is structured to build knowledge from the...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – It was a hot and muggy morning when five students of the Professional Driving Academy of Texas State Technical College’s Workforce Training and Continuing Education department were out practicing how to reverse a tractor-trailer. Kelli Wilson, the instructor for the academy on TSTC’s Fort Bend County campus, said the students are looking...
Recruiter Norris Chamberlain of Prolec GE Waukesha hosted a 20-minute employer spotlight at Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus on Wednesday, July 26. An astounding 62 Electrical Lineworker and Management Technology students attended the seminar. The workload of Prolec GE Waukesha — known primarily for manufacturing power transformers — has nearly tripled over the last...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – During the heat of summer, fires become a common occurrence. From campfires and grilling to wildfires, being prepared to handle and control fire is an essential skill for both the workplace and the home. In fact, most safety roles within the workforce require competency in regard to fire safety, with personnel needing...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s aviation maintenance program draws students for different reasons. At Abilene’s campus, TSTC offers Aircraft Airframe Technology and Aircraft Powerplant Technology, allowing students to choose a path into the industry. Many students have jobs lined up before they graduate, and that has become a factor in many students’ decisions...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Manufacturing jobs are an integral part of the Texas economy, and recently the Central Texas region has experienced an increase in machinist jobs. This job outlook is a key motivator for students who are enrolled in the Precision Machining Technology program at Texas State Technical College. The program is known for training...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – As a child, Damon Barker was fascinated by engines and Texas’ seemingly endless truck population. “I’ve always looked at the semis going down the road and wondered how they worked,” Barker said. “That’s what started it all for me.” Today, Barker is studying for a certificate of completion in Texas State Technical...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Lucas Garcia has become more confident in what he is able to do, thanks to his time studying Industrial Systems at Texas State Technical College. Working toward an Associate of Applied Science degree, Garcia admits that he was nervous when he began the program. But any nervousness quickly turned into confidence because...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Before the invention of the chainsaw, woodcutters used saws and axes to chop down trees needed for firewood. The addition of the chainsaw made cutting trees easier and quicker than ever before. Wallace Pennington, an instructor in the Cybersecurity program at Texas State Technical College’s East Williamson County campus, believes that the...
(ABILENE, Texas) – Cooper Wallin’s passion to become the best Welding Technology student has caught the attention of his Texas State Technical College instructors. “When Cooper started, he was not a strong welder. Today, I can say he is one of the strongest welders in his class,” said Greg Nicholas, a Welding Technology instructor at...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The HVAC Technology program at Texas State Technical College educates students about not only the basics of electricity and principles of refrigeration, but also how improperly installed or inefficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can be troublesome. Valentin Lopez is an HVAC Technology student at TSTC’s Harlingen campus. He became interested...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – It can be easy to think of lineworkers’ jobs as being emergency-focused. When a storm rolls in and power lines are down, lineworkers roll in to restore electricity to homes and businesses. But while that is an essential role they play, the work they do every day to keep the lights on...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Texas State Technical College hosted over 300 students from 24 high schools at its North Texas campus for the Texas High School Welding Series competition on Friday, Oct. 27. “We are thrilled that these students traveled to our campus to compete and learn more about the career opportunities at TSTC,” Marcus...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Phishing emails offering fake jobs or attempting to con one out of money have made most people familiar with virtual scams. That is why Texas State Technical College’s Cybersecurity program is teaching the next generation of data protectors. “It’s an extremely broad field,” Amy Hertel, lead Cybersecurity instructor at the Marshall campus,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Automobile tire safety is crucial for drivers who commute on Texas roadways, and knowledge about an aging tire can help prevent an automobile accident. Miguel Zoleta is the Automotive Technology program director at Texas State Technical College’s campus in Harlingen. Recently he shared how tire efficiency can improve a driver’s safety. “An...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Surgical Technology alumna Rebecca Vargas recalls when she accepted a full-time job from Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen earlier this year. Since beginning her career in August, Vargas has proved herself as a surgical technologist by utilizing the hands-on technical skills she gained while studying at TSTC....
(WACO, Texas) – Two students at Texas State Technical College are scheduled to be the first ever to graduate with degrees in the college’s newest Auto Collision and Management Technology specialization at the upcoming Fall 2023 Commencement in Waco. Bryam Herrera, of Rosebud, and Carlos Rincon, of Jacksonville, Texas, are on track to receive Associate...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Over 500 high schoolers participated in Texas State Technical College’s Discovery Day on the North Texas campus on Thursday, Nov. 30. “This gives us an opportunity to be with the community and to be able to show them what we have,” Frances Kelly, a director of student recruiting at TSTC, said....
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College student Daniel Pacheco strives for perfection with his hands-on assignments in TSTC’s Auto Collision and Management Technology program. He applies the same level of commitment while he prepares to compete in the SkillsUSA Texas District 13 Leadership and Skills Conference that will be held February 15-17 at TSTC’s...
(ABILENE, Texas) – The AEP Foundation has contributed $300,000 to The TSTC Foundation to provide scholarships for members of underserved and underrepresented populations to participate in Texas State Technical College’s new Electrical Lineworker and Management Technology program in Abilene. TSTC’s Abilene campus will offer an Associate of Applied Science degree and a certificate of completion...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College student Dominick Zavala first became fascinated with automobiles when the “Fast & Furious” media franchise became popular. “I enjoyed watching the movies because the characters drove high-performing sports cars,” he said. “The movies inspired me to buy my first vehicle, which was a 2002 Dodge Dakota pickup truck....
(WACO, Texas) – Working with electricity can be a highly charged task. “People need to understand how electricity and currents work,” said Andy Pustejovsky, an Electrical Construction instructor at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. Some of the problems that people have with electricity include faulty outlets, outdated electrical setups and tripped breakers. “I would...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The idea of a high-risk career as an electrical lineworker may not be appealing for some, but it is for cousins Arturo Solis and Eric Zamora. Zamora, of Primera, first became interested in Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Lineworker and Management Technology program when some of its recruiters visited Harlingen High School...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Selena Gomez knew that she wanted a better life after experiencing several unfulfilling jobs. “I was an insurance adjuster at my last job,” the Mercedes resident said. “I wanted a career that would be hands-on.” Her brother recommended looking into Precision Machining Technology at Texas State Technical College. “I scheduled a tour...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Marshall native Amanda McMinn knew early on that she never wanted to work a desk job. Thanks to Texas State Technical College, she holds a Process Technology (now Process Operations) Associate of Applied Science degree and works as a process safety management and risk management technician for Texas Instruments in Dallas. “TSTC...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The Advocacy and Resource Center at Texas State Technical College believes in student success, and it goes above and beyond to ensure that students have the resources they need to achieve their goals. Recently the center’s lending library expanded its inventory of books and tools to better serve student needs at the...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – U.S. Navy veteran Emanuel Torres developed a connection with Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus when he was a teenager. “I went on a field trip to TSTC when I was in middle school,” he said. “A program that we visited was Precision Machining Technology. I had the opportunity to input a...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Texas State Technical College Precision Machining Technology student Adrian Munoz developed a fascination with engineering at a young age. “My dad and I worked on a project where he wanted to fuse two jeeps together and make it an eight-seater,” he said. “During that process, I loved working on the automobile’s engine.”...
(RED OAK, Texas) – Aaron Mershawn, of Corsicana, is an Electrical Power and Controls student at Texas State Technical College’s North Texas location in Red Oak. He is also an industrial electrical apprentice at Owens Corning, a worldwide construction and building materials producer, in Waxahachie. Mershawn recently talked about learning and working in the electrical...
(WACO, Texas) – Heather Scoggins, of Nevada, Texas, is an associate degree student in the Aircraft Powerplant Technology program at Texas State Technical College in Waco. She has already completed requirements for an associate degree in Aircraft Airframe Technology and is scheduled to graduate later this year. Scoggins recently talked about her experiences in the...
(WACO, Texas) – Zachary Womack balances working as an emergency medical technician in Gatesville with taking HVAC Technology classes at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. “I was just talking to my wife about my schedule,” the Harker Heights resident said. “With emergency medical services, I work 24 hours on and I am off for...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Leonel Perez, a Mechatronics Technology student at Texas State Technical College, recently began an internship with Oncor Electric Delivery in Big Spring. Perez, who is pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree, said the internship supplements what he is learning at TSTC. “I’ve learned how to monitor the performance of electrical switches...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – When Texas State Technical College graduate Aristeo Castillo was first introduced to graffiti art, it put him on a trajectory to becoming a muralist and eventually founding his own Harlingen-based company, Slate Media. “I enjoyed seeing the various styles of graffiti art when I was a teenager,” he said. “I started to...
(ABILENE, Texas) – When the fall semester begins at Texas State Technical College’s Industrial Technology Center in Abilene, people will see something new. TSTC’s Electrical Lineworker and Management Technology program will welcome its first class in West Texas, and students will start climbing practice utility poles within weeks of the semester beginning. The program will...
(WACO, Texas) – Fourteen students from Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus will travel later this month to Atlanta, Georgia, to represent Texas at the 2024 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. The students qualified by placing first in events at the 2024 SkillsUSA Texas Postsecondary Leadership and Skills Conference held in April in Houston....
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – After weeks of training, students could recently be seen inspecting the truck that will carry them over the finish line of the Professional Driving Academy program at Texas State Technical College. Each student must pass a series of upcoming tests designed to showcase their skills and aptitude in order to earn their...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Toby Toney’s 21-year career in truck driving ended after he had a seizure. “It’s stated clearly: you have one seizure, you’re done,” Toney said. “They take your CDL (commercial driver’s license) away. I basically lost everything overnight.” The Longview resident struggled with medical issues for almost a year and a half while...
(ABILENE, Texas) – When Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Power and Controls instructors at the Abilene campus need assistance from a student, there is one person in particular who they look for. Kaleb Brosig, a third-semester student pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree in the program, will be ready anytime he is called upon....
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Texas State Technical College’s Allied Health programs are sponsoring a conference that will give TSTC students a chance to network with regional health care providers. The inaugural Empowering Rural West Texas Allied Health Conference will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the D.A. Pevehouse Technology Center on the Sweetwater...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Representatives from Johnson & Pace Inc., a company specializing in engineering, architecture and surveying, recently visited Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus to give TSTC Drafting and Design students a glimpse of what it would be like to work for their firm. Johnson & Pace project manager Ken Rust, a TSTC Drafting...
(BROWNWOOD, Texas) – For many firefighters in central Texas, Brownwood will be home for the next few months — at least one day of the week. Some firefighters from Brownwood, Mason and Stephenville, along with an emergency medical technician (EMT) with Lifeguard Ambulance Service of Texas, are part of Texas State Technical College’s Emergency Medical...
(WACO, Texas) – The fall season brings many food temptations for children and adults: candy at Halloween, pies at Thanksgiving, and tamales in December. When not eaten in moderation, they can derail healthy habits. Parents have critical roles in ensuring that children get the best nutrition possible. Some statistics The Centers for Disease Control and...
(SWEETWATER, Texas) – A representative from an independent service provider for wind, solar and energy storage solutions said Texas State Technical College graduates are a good fit for the company. Andy Hall, a technician development lead for Sky Climber Renewables’ Tech One Program (TOP), recently spoke to Electromechanical Technology and Wind Energy Technology students during...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The life lessons and skills that Texas State Technical College student Rolando Lopez Jr. learned from his father while growing up would later be the blueprint for his future career. “My father introduced me to his business venture, Lopez R. Construction, when I was 17 years old,” Lopez said. “He taught me...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – After graduating from high school, Donovan Suchan followed his father’s advice and explored the possibility of an internship with Komatsu at its Longview facility, where the company manufactures mining equipment. Now a student in Texas State Technical College’s Precision Machining Technology program, Suchan has a partial scholarship from Komatsu and a paid...
(ROSENBERG, Texas) – Texas State Technical College will expand its Fort Bend County campus offerings with the addition of the Automotive Technology and Auto Collision and Management Technology programs next fall. But what do those programs entail, and why are they needed? Becoming an automotive technician means learning skills in a variety of fields. For...
(WACO, Texas) – Jasmine Olivar, of Gatesville, learned in an email last fall the news of what would change her college trajectory. Olivar, a second-semester Industrial Systems student at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus, found out that she was one of the first recipients of a scholarship established in 2023 by a longtime Waco...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Starting this fall, Texas State Technical College’s Harlingen campus will offer an Associate of Applied Science degree in Diesel Equipment Technology – Heavy Truck Specialization and two Diesel Equipment Technology – Heavy Truck certificates of completion. “Students who enroll can expect to learn about basic electrical systems, chassis, shop safety procedures, preventative...
(WACO, Texas) – If your electricity goes out, chances are that a Texas State Technical College graduate could have a role in turning it back on. TSTC has been the top producer of electrical lineworker graduates in Texas over the last five years, according to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Accountability System. Students can...
(MARSHALL, Texas) – Diesel Equipment Technology students at Texas State Technical College’s Marshall campus have started touring and attending some classes in the new Diesel Technology Academic Building there. The 21,720-square-foot facility’s modern design and updated resources are making a strong impression, with students excited to experience all it has to offer. Matthew Brewer,...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – For many, technical terms like “basic input/output systems” — or “BIOS,” for short — might make their eyes glaze over. But for Carlos Perez, a Texas State Technical College student working on his Associate of Applied Science degree in Cybersecurity, they are fuel for his imagination. “In middle school, I enjoyed learning...
(HARLINGEN, Texas) – The sound of drones soaring overhead was something that Texas State Technical College student Tania Valdez enjoyed when she served in the U.S. Marine Corps for five years as an avionics technician. “My job was to check for any problems on a military aircraft drone that wasn’t working correctly and fix it,”...